WoW to undergo rolling restarts and select realms maintenance
April 23, 2007
Don’t say no one warned you. Eyonix dropped by the World of Warcraft forums to inform everyone that there will be rolling restarts for all realms on April 24, 5:00am PDR – except for a select number of realms which will require a two-hour maintenance break. These realms are as follows:
- Area 52
- Auchindoun
- Azuremyst
- Blade’s Edge
- Blood Furnace
- Coilfang
- Exodar
- Shattered Halls
- Terokkar
- The Scryers
- The Underbog
- Velen
- Zangarmarsh
Like we said: don’t say no one warned you.
Don’t say no one warned you. Eyonix dropped by the World of Warcraft forums to inform everyone that there will be rolling restarts for all realms on April 24, 5:00am PDR – except for a select number of realms which will require a two-hour maintenance break. These realms are as follows:
- Area 52
- Auchindoun
- Azuremyst
- Blade’s Edge
- Blood Furnace
- Coilfang
- Exodar
- Shattered Halls
- Terokkar
- The Scryers
- The Underbog
- Velen
- Zangarmarsh
Like we said: don’t say no one warned you.