WoW’s jewel crafting: the label game
Even in something as unpredictable as World of Warcraft, expect political-correctness to ensue. In light of the new jewelcrafting skill introduced by way of The Burning Crusade expansion, Aeus is letting everybody know that he’s planning to mail a JewelCrafting link to the WoW Community team.
And just like any new conception, it deserved a name – which is where it got interesting. As Aeus wrote:
So, I was just about to mail a handy Jewelcrafting link to the Community Team, when I noticed that the tag [Jew] doesn’t really work that well.
Then I thought, perhaps [JC], but that might upset people too.
Has anyone agreed on a good tag yet? Perhaps just [Jewel]? Or is that too long?
And, keep it clean in here, I don’t want to suspend anyone from the forums today..
Fortunately, the boards were perfectly comfortable with the idea of the [JC] tag, although posters did suggest turning it into [JCR] just in case somebody got touchy – other propositions were that JC be used as the new link for the woodworking profession (carpentry, get it?), or it be dubbed “The Jedi Council”. Consider this one of the more mundane happenings to ease over the recent bug reports.
Even in something as unpredictable as World of Warcraft, expect political-correctness to ensue. In light of the new jewelcrafting skill introduced by way of The Burning Crusade expansion, Aeus is letting everybody know that he’s planning to mail a JewelCrafting link to the WoW Community team.
And just like any new conception, it deserved a name – which is where it got interesting. As Aeus wrote:
So, I was just about to mail a handy Jewelcrafting link to the Community Team, when I noticed that the tag [Jew] doesn’t really work that well.
Then I thought, perhaps [JC], but that might upset people too.
Has anyone agreed on a good tag yet? Perhaps just [Jewel]? Or is that too long?
And, keep it clean in here, I don’t want to suspend anyone from the forums today..
Fortunately, the boards were perfectly comfortable with the idea of the [JC] tag, although posters did suggest turning it into [JCR] just in case somebody got touchy – other propositions were that JC be used as the new link for the woodworking profession (carpentry, get it?), or it be dubbed “The Jedi Council”. Consider this one of the more mundane happenings to ease over the recent bug reports.