Wright Flight v0.0.9 for DS
This week, Wright Flight underwent another facelift as Ville Helin and the rest of the WF Team releases its latest update. Wright Flight version 0.0.9 features the following changes:
- Shooting holes into the background layers with missiles now possible
- Fixed bugs in the collision detection code
- Settings are now saved when changing a menu page but user has to change some of the values that go into the save file (to limit the SRAM access)
- Added new explosion and smoke graphics
- Small explosions when bullet hits anything
- Lots of explosions when a plane crashes and the plane isn’t drawn
- Bigger explosions
- Bigger smoke that vanishes faster
- Turbo boost consumes 50% less gas
- All particles are now drawn on top of the layers
Looks like Wright Flight is getting better with every take off! If you haven’t tried this homebrew game before, please check the readme file for details on how to install and play this really great game.
Download: [Wright Flight v0.0.9]
Via Wright Flight
This week, Wright Flight underwent another facelift as Ville Helin and the rest of the WF Team releases its latest update. Wright Flight version 0.0.9 features the following changes:
- Shooting holes into the background layers with missiles now possible
- Fixed bugs in the collision detection code
- Settings are now saved when changing a menu page but user has to change some of the values that go into the save file (to limit the SRAM access)
- Added new explosion and smoke graphics
- Small explosions when bullet hits anything
- Lots of explosions when a plane crashes and the plane isn’t drawn
- Bigger explosions
- Bigger smoke that vanishes faster
- Turbo boost consumes 50% less gas
- All particles are now drawn on top of the layers
Looks like Wright Flight is getting better with every take off! If you haven’t tried this homebrew game before, please check the readme file for details on how to install and play this really great game.
Download: [Wright Flight v0.0.9]
Via Wright Flight