Xbox Live accounts phished and in circulation

Xbox Live - Image 1SpywareGuide did some spying themselves on the XBL and found that approximately 270 sets of login details are Phished. Uh-oh. People are enjoying stolen goods. Take care of your accounts now!

Xbox Live - Image 1SpywareGuide did some spying themselves on the XBL and found that approximately 270 sets of login details are Phished. Uh-oh. People are enjoying stolen goods. Take care of your accounts now!

To the uninitiated, Phished accounts are essentially stolen accounts, and this is particularly dangerous for consumers because some of these phished goods still contain credit card details. The situation is made potentially worse because other pertinent personal information are also included.

The lists found in these underground sites seem to reflect phished accounts between November and December of last year. But looks though as if many of these accounts are still being milked up to now.

For their end, the guys who picked up on this have now reported the said situation to Microsoft. We expect swift action from MS on this (cos it’s their profits going down the drain, y’all), and we expect phishers to up their security systems. Or something.

Via SpywareGuide

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