Xbox Live: Paramount releases film previews
To the Xbox 360 fanboys: we know you guys love your consoles, and we’re sure you’d love to find more ways to stretch its service mileage. Well, barring downloadable games and more hit-or-miss accessories (or glitchy updates), we’ve picked up this news for you guys out there who’d like to mix in a bit of movie time along with your game time.
We found news saying that starting this week, Paramount Pictures will be providing free previews of the TV and movie programs that they’re planning to release for Xbox Video. The previews can be DL’d via XBox Live, and will be updated on a daily basis. This promo only applies to US members.
For the ladies trying to spend quality time with their man, these DL’s might just be the way to introduce them to your favorite chick flick. For the guys, we’re hoping they port in classics like South Park and “We were Soldiers.” Us? We’d love to see if the Sponge Bob movie makes it in the line-up (kiddin’, just kiddin’).
To the Xbox 360 fanboys: we know you guys love your consoles, and we’re sure you’d love to find more ways to stretch its service mileage. Well, barring downloadable games and more hit-or-miss accessories (or glitchy updates), we’ve picked up this news for you guys out there who’d like to mix in a bit of movie time along with your game time.
We found news saying that starting this week, Paramount Pictures will be providing free previews of the TV and movie programs that they’re planning to release for Xbox Video. The previews can be DL’d via XBox Live, and will be updated on a daily basis. This promo only applies to US members.
For the ladies trying to spend quality time with their man, these DL’s might just be the way to introduce them to your favorite chick flick. For the guys, we’re hoping they port in classics like South Park and “We were Soldiers.” Us? We’d love to see if the Sponge Bob movie makes it in the line-up (kiddin’, just kiddin’).