Xbox Live used 600 Terabytes of Bandwidth During E3!
Yes! That much! After the madness of E3, everyone must be looking at the aftermath. And you’d be naive to not expect such large numbers. Add the fact that Live was free for everyone during E3. And it’s quite obvious what was eating up most of the bandwidth – The Halo 3 video. In all, more than 7 million (7,000,000+!) demos, trailers, videos and other tidbits were downloaded during E3 week.
Peter Moore said, “The sheer volume of downloads during E3 was simply staggering.” And boy, I wouldn’t wanna foot that bill. A quick calculation shows an even bigger shocker. Live was eating up about 1 gigabyte per second! Actually a bit more. I wish I had a connection like that.
But while we’re so amused by this bit of news, I’m sure Microsoft isn’t concerned by it one bit. After all, their bigger product, Windows must be eating up a lot more bandwidth for live updates. Anyways, this just goes to show the power of Xbox Live and E3. And that’s one more point to Microsoft for keeping it stable during E3.
And in case you’re not familiar with the numbers, 1 Terabyte = 1024 Gigabytes.
Yes! That much! After the madness of E3, everyone must be looking at the aftermath. And you’d be naive to not expect such large numbers. Add the fact that Live was free for everyone during E3. And it’s quite obvious what was eating up most of the bandwidth – The Halo 3 video. In all, more than 7 million (7,000,000+!) demos, trailers, videos and other tidbits were downloaded during E3 week.
Peter Moore said, “The sheer volume of downloads during E3 was simply staggering.” And boy, I wouldn’t wanna foot that bill. A quick calculation shows an even bigger shocker. Live was eating up about 1 gigabyte per second! Actually a bit more. I wish I had a connection like that.
But while we’re so amused by this bit of news, I’m sure Microsoft isn’t concerned by it one bit. After all, their bigger product, Windows must be eating up a lot more bandwidth for live updates. Anyways, this just goes to show the power of Xbox Live and E3. And that’s one more point to Microsoft for keeping it stable during E3.
And in case you’re not familiar with the numbers, 1 Terabyte = 1024 Gigabytes.