XmbController 1.6 Plug-in
For those of us itching to give the XMB of the Sony PlayStation Portable a makeover, then Mr305‘s bit of homebrew, the XmbController Plugin, should be right on your “to download” list. This isn’t a really big update, but seeing as it lets you toggle the shoulder button navigation feature differently, it’s definitely worth looking at.
Download: XmbController 1.6 Plug-in
Visit: QJ.NET’s PSP Development Forums
It’s been some time since we’ve head about Sony PlayStation Portable homebrew developer Mr305‘s XmbController Plugin kit, a piece of homebrew that lets us view the Cross Media Bar in a completely different way. Now, we get wind of an update that, while a bit minor, enables the navigation of the XMB with the Sony PSP’s shoulder buttons via the Home Button. Cool beans.
So, how does one toggle the shoulder-button navigation with the Home Button? By pressing it, of course! You’d have to hold it down for a couple of seconds to make it work, but that’s the price you pay for convenience. It’s to note that this version also has an improved synchronization between the status message and the actual toggling, so you’ll immediately know if you’re good to go or not.
Here’s the complete changelog of the 1.6 version of XMB Controller Plugin as taken from Mr305’s post in our PSP Development Forum:
Changes from 1.2 Final to 1.6
- Perfect synchronization between the Status message and actual disabling of this L R navigation feature; past versions had problems where the message appeared either too early or too late.
- Now compatible with M33 VSH Menu; To see it, Press Select, Then press Up or Down. However, it’s acting buggy.
- To Enable/Disable Shoulder button Navigation feature: Press & Hold HOME BUTTON for about 2.5 seconds until the status message reads “ON” or “OFF”.
Download: XMBController 1.6 Plugin
Visit: QJ.NET’s PSP Development Forums