XmbController 1.61 Plugin – fixed Analog Stick bug
After a somewhat long hiatus from homebrew the scene, developer Mr305 suddenly emerged and announced that he’d been working pretty hard on updating the XmbController Plugin kit that he’s developed.
For those of you who aren’t familiar, this nifty little app gives a fresh new look to your PSP’s Cross Media Bar. This latest version is a quick add-on to fix a previous issue connected to the analog stick. For more information, read the full article!
Download: XmbController 3.71 + 1.61 Plug-in
Visit: QJ PSP Development Forum
After a somewhat long hiatus from homebrew the scene, developer Mr305 suddenly emerged and announced that he’d been working pretty hard on updating the XmbController Plugin kit that he’s developed.
For those of you who aren’t familiar, this nifty little app gives a fresh new look to your PSP’s Cross Media Bar. This latest version is a quick add-on to fix a previous issue connected to the analog stick.
Mr305’s post on the QJ.NET PSP Development Forums explains that he neglected to re-map it according to the 3.71 release. Here’s the changelog to the 1.61 quick fix add-on released taken:
v1.61 Bug Fix
- Analog Stick now works. Forgot to re-map the NID for sceCtrlSetSamplingMode for 3.71, which Disabled Analog stick. Now Fixed and Analog tested to be working.
Download: XmbController 3.71 + 1.61 Plugin
Visit: QJ PSP Development Forum