X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie game to be as bad-ass as Wolverine

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Image 1Just after filming X-Men Origins: Wolverine, 20th Century Fox movie exec Jeff Katz talks about the upcoming title based on the movie. Read up on his take on making the video game fit for the bad boy of the X-Men.

After working for the movie, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, 20th Century Fox film exec Jeff Katz is set to work on the movie-based game. Everybody just loves Wolverine, so he definitely wants the game to be as bad-ass as the X-Men bad boy.

A couple of the Fox execs, myself and a couple of the principals involved, weÂ’re all gamers. So when it came to the Wolverine movie game, it was like, “LetÂ’s do the coolest possible version of an X-Men game.”

He added, “Even the game itself, from everything I’ve seen and been told about it, is going to be slightly harder-edged than the X-Men games that have come before – which fits the tone of the movie.” The plan is to release the Activision-published title on all major platforms, with a few family-friendly tweaks for the Wii version.

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine - Image 1

When asked about which platform he wanted to play it on, Katz was quick to reply, “I do business on Xbox Live. When I was at New Line, I put the Gears of War deal together for the movie over Xbox Live,” he said. “It’s been good to me, so I’m loyal to it.” As a gamer himself, Katz believes that he got the job done.

As for a “harder-edged” Wolverine, I certainly hope we see more of the real Wolverine, and not the cheesy motivational-speaker Wolverine that we keep seeing in the movies. Plus movie games have a bad habit of…well…sucking, most of them at least, so maybe we shouldn’t put too much expectation into this one.

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Via MTV Multiplayer Blog

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