XNA Tutorials for C# beginners

xnatutorialXNA tutorial publisher”>Joran Omark has five video tutorials for XNA users up his sleeve. According to him, the tutorials, which you you can download below, came from scratch – this means that you won’t find it too useful if you’re already an advanced C# programmer. He says that the actual code used is not that different from what is in the very first XNA tutorial written, and doesn’t deviate much from that code until you reach tutorial 4.

There are five downloadable tutorials here: 1.2, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, and 5.1.

  • Tutorial 1. 2 installs the tools you need, and explains the basic division of code, much like like explaining how to divide a book into chapters and paragraphs.
  • Tutorial 2.1 talks a bit about the difference between programming normal Windows programs and games, makes a small “Hello World” program, and introduces the IDE.
  • Tutorial 3.1 actually manages to draw a ball on the screen, so it is a bit longer, because a lot of C# concepts are gone over, especially methods calls (jump between code lines) and variable declarations (storing in memory).
  • Tutorial 4.1 makes the ball bounce, so it has to deal with some game logic, such as if constructs.
  • Tutorial 5.1 mostly focuses on refactoring, and moves all the ball code to its own class.

A lot of beginners on XNA programming will find these tools totally helpful — so big thanks to Joran Omark.

Download: [XNA Tutorial for Beginners 1.2 to 5.1]

Via Xbox360Homebrew

xnatutorialXNA tutorial publisher”>Joran Omark has five video tutorials for XNA users up his sleeve. According to him, the tutorials, which you you can download below, came from scratch – this means that you won’t find it too useful if you’re already an advanced C# programmer. He says that the actual code used is not that different from what is in the very first XNA tutorial written, and doesn’t deviate much from that code until you reach tutorial 4.

There are five downloadable tutorials here: 1.2, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, and 5.1.

  • Tutorial 1. 2 installs the tools you need, and explains the basic division of code, much like like explaining how to divide a book into chapters and paragraphs.
  • Tutorial 2.1 talks a bit about the difference between programming normal Windows programs and games, makes a small “Hello World” program, and introduces the IDE.
  • Tutorial 3.1 actually manages to draw a ball on the screen, so it is a bit longer, because a lot of C# concepts are gone over, especially methods calls (jump between code lines) and variable declarations (storing in memory).
  • Tutorial 4.1 makes the ball bounce, so it has to deal with some game logic, such as if constructs.
  • Tutorial 5.1 mostly focuses on refactoring, and moves all the ball code to its own class.

A lot of beginners on XNA programming will find these tools totally helpful — so big thanks to Joran Omark.

Download: [XNA Tutorial for Beginners 1.2 to 5.1]

Via Xbox360Homebrew

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