YASRT for PSP Released

YASART PSP Emmanuel Viale developer of the ray-tracer program ‘YASRT’ (Yet Another Simple Raytracer) has now published a version that is compatible with the PSP. YASRT is a ray-tracing program that uses a ray-tracing algorithm to generate high-quality realistic pictures from simple text descriptions of 3D scenes. This program also supports smooth shadows, depth of field, fuzzy reflections and much more thanks to the ray-tracing techniques developed by Monte Carlo.

It has been tested successfully with version 2.6 of the eLoader.

Download: [YASRT for PSP]


YASART PSP Emmanuel Viale developer of the ray-tracer program ‘YASRT’ (Yet Another Simple Raytracer) has now published a version that is compatible with the PSP. YASRT is a ray-tracing program that uses a ray-tracing algorithm to generate high-quality realistic pictures from simple text descriptions of 3D scenes. This program also supports smooth shadows, depth of field, fuzzy reflections and much more thanks to the ray-tracing techniques developed by Monte Carlo.

It has been tested successfully with version 2.6 of the eLoader.

Download: [YASRT for PSP]


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