Yet Another PSP Toolkit v1.5
PSP homebrew coder WeeJeWel (aka VirusEXE) just dropped by the QJ.NET Forums to let everybody know that Yet Another PSP Toolkit (YAPT) has been updated to version 1.5. In case you’re wondering what this homebrew application does, YAPT is a PC-based multi-role toolkit that allows for extensive customization of your PSP.
This application allows users to pull off tasks such as ISO compression, PSX compression (with full XMB preview), and XMB customization (e.g. custom icons and stuff). As for the application’s latest changelog:
- Popstrip added – Decompress PSX eboots
- Theme swapper added, 3 styles available
- YAPT is movable! I finally managed to add alpha transparency!
- Added huge text for 3.10OE users that the custom icons won’t work (now don’t complain about that..)
- Save/Open dialogs added to font/topmenu outputs
- keys.bin didn’t copy well to the output directory. It’s fixed now.
- New song on the about page!
- It recognizes PRX files, so PRX Manager isn’t needed anymore
- Plugins page had a huge makeover. You can copy files, install, or just one of them etc
- Form is a bit transparent if you move/deactivate it
- Many bugfixes, slight changes etc that are not important to list here
- Added a small Easter egg if you have time enough or a decompiler 😉
- And even more, but I forgot that because it was a while ago 😛
The application proper is in the bundle below you – double click the extracted file to begin installing YAPT to your PC. There’s also this homebrew application’s release thread over at the QJ.NET Forums, which should be your next destination in case you’re looking for further details. Enjoy the download, and don’t forget to thank WeeJeWel for the heads-up.
Download: Yet Another PSP Toolkit v1.5
Visit: PSP Development Forum
PSP homebrew coder WeeJeWel (aka VirusEXE) just dropped by the QJ.NET Forums to let everybody know that Yet Another PSP Toolkit (YAPT) has been updated to version 1.5. In case you’re wondering what this homebrew application does, YAPT is a PC-based multi-role toolkit that allows for extensive customization of your PSP.
This application allows users to pull off tasks such as ISO compression, PSX compression (with full XMB preview), and XMB customization (e.g. custom icons and stuff). As for the application’s latest changelog:
- Popstrip added – Decompress PSX eboots
- Theme swapper added, 3 styles available
- YAPT is movable! I finally managed to add alpha transparency!
- Added huge text for 3.10OE users that the custom icons won’t work (now don’t complain about that..)
- Save/Open dialogs added to font/topmenu outputs
- keys.bin didn’t copy well to the output directory. It’s fixed now.
- New song on the about page!
- It recognizes PRX files, so PRX Manager isn’t needed anymore
- Plugins page had a huge makeover. You can copy files, install, or just one of them etc
- Form is a bit transparent if you move/deactivate it
- Many bugfixes, slight changes etc that are not important to list here
- Added a small Easter egg if you have time enough or a decompiler 😉
- And even more, but I forgot that because it was a while ago 😛
The application proper is in the bundle below you – double click the extracted file to begin installing YAPT to your PC. There’s also this homebrew application’s release thread over at the QJ.NET Forums, which should be your next destination in case you’re looking for further details. Enjoy the download, and don’t forget to thank WeeJeWel for the heads-up.
Download: Yet Another PSP Toolkit v1.5
Visit: PSP Development Forum