Your Ideal Digital Camera
The other day I mentioned a cool new product being developed by Eye-Fi, which puts wireless capability in any digital camera via the media card. So it got me thinking, what would I look for in the ideal digital camera? How would I design it if I were in charge? What gadgets and features would I opt for? So I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject – lets hear all about the crazy and awesome ideas you’ve got for the digital cameras of the future.
In the meantime, I’ll kick it off with my wild and crazy ideas.
– Touch screen (this isn’t new, but I’d include it on mine, so the entire back of the camera could be screen)
– Notation capabilities (my Pentax allows me to record voice notes to each picture – I’d love to be able to name, tag, categorize them on the fly as I take them. And I want my computer to recognize those bits of information when the photo is downloaded)
– WiFi (like the Eye-Fi, and some of the newer cameras, I want to download my pictures wirelessly to a WiFi-enabled drive in my pack, or my computer at my desk. No more lost usb cables…)
Ok, so it’s not an extensive list, but it gets the ball rolling. Now you.
The other day I mentioned a cool new product being developed by Eye-Fi, which puts wireless capability in any digital camera via the media card. So it got me thinking, what would I look for in the ideal digital camera? How would I design it if I were in charge? What gadgets and features would I opt for? So I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject – lets hear all about the crazy and awesome ideas you’ve got for the digital cameras of the future.
In the meantime, I’ll kick it off with my wild and crazy ideas.
– Touch screen (this isn’t new, but I’d include it on mine, so the entire back of the camera could be screen)
– Notation capabilities (my Pentax allows me to record voice notes to each picture – I’d love to be able to name, tag, categorize them on the fly as I take them. And I want my computer to recognize those bits of information when the photo is downloaded)
– WiFi (like the Eye-Fi, and some of the newer cameras, I want to download my pictures wirelessly to a WiFi-enabled drive in my pack, or my computer at my desk. No more lost usb cables…)
Ok, so it’s not an extensive list, but it gets the ball rolling. Now you.