Zack and Wiki sequel looking unlikely
So, one stunning adventure and quest to find Barbaros’ treasure later, what’s next for Zack and Wiki? Sadly, it seems the answer to that question is early retirement. We’ve found reports that say that a sequel to the game is looking rather unlikely in the near future.
After one stunning adventure and a quest to find Barbaros’ treasure, what’s next for Zack and Wiki? Early retirement, it seems. We’ve found reports that say that a sequel to the game is looking rather unlikely in the near future.
We first found this bit of news through NIntendo Everything and decided to track down the particular forum post that mentioned this. After some digging, we found that Christian Svensson, Vice-President of Strategic Planning & Business Development of Capcom, said the following words approximately two weeks ago in response to a question about the possibility of seeing Zack and Wiki again:
Let me preface this answer with a statement to set expectations that we’ve not announced another Z&W and I’m not so sure there will be one on any reasonable timeline.
As for what I’d love to see as a gamer, not as a Capcom employee? I like your idea of an open world that opens up larger and larger as more puzzles get solved (so part of your motivation as a player to is to see more of the world).
As for what to make of this news, we’re pretty sure it means that there won’t be a new Zack and Wiki game anytime soon, seeing as the game got itself in the bargain bin a couple of months after release. Still, it doesn’t rule out the possibility of a game coming out in the far-flung future. We suppose people will just have to keep their fingers crossed if they want to see Zack and Wiki back in the game.
Via Capcom Forums