Battlefield: Bad Company demo hits 1.5 million downloads

Battlefield: Bad Company - Image 1Things are certainly looking up for EA’s Battlefield: Bad Company (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3). It’s about to hit retail stores in a few hours, and so far, it looks like the reception of the people are good. This is if you look at the number of downloads the demo has gotten since its release. Read up after the jump.

Battlefield: Bad Company - Image 1Battlefield: Bad Company (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3) is set to come out a few hours from now. Apart from the bad-ass action we’re expecting to see in-game, what we’re also looking forward to see is how the conversion rate turns out.

See, Electronic Arts has just announced today that the title’s demo has just hit over 1.5 million downloads on the Xbox Live Marketplace and the PlayStation Network. And that’s just within two weeks after it was dropped.

If the download stats are any indication, then it looks like EA has hit another blockbuster with this one. We’ll be sure to bring you updates as soon as we get them.

Buy: [Battlefield: Bad Company (Xbox 360), (PS3)]

Via Planet Xbox 360

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