Blooming Viva Pinata gameplay videos

Viva Pinata Lovefest

If you’re looking for a video demonstrating how to crack open a pinata, sorry to disappoint you, but violence hath no place in the serene gardens of Viva Pinata, where peace, love and camaraderie reigns supreme.

There won’t be any gore (candies spilling out from paper mache tummies) in these gameplay videos. Instead it’ll be a lovefest. See how the pinatas are working their magic in barren lands and turning them into a haven for other pinatas to live in. Spread the love like a flower child, yeah. Peace.

Download: [Viva Pinata Gameplay Video #1]
                  [Viva Pinata Gameplay Video #2]
                  [Viva Pinata Gameplay Video #3]
                  [Viva Pinata Gameplay Video #4]

Buy: [Viva Pinata Launch Edition]

Via gamespot

Viva Pinata Lovefest

If you’re looking for a video demonstrating how to crack open a pinata, sorry to disappoint you, but violence hath no place in the serene gardens of Viva Pinata, where peace, love and camaraderie reigns supreme.

There won’t be any gore (candies spilling out from paper mache tummies) in these gameplay videos. Instead it’ll be a lovefest. See how the pinatas are working their magic in barren lands and turning them into a haven for other pinatas to live in. Spread the love like a flower child, yeah. Peace.

Download: [Viva Pinata Gameplay Video #1]
                  [Viva Pinata Gameplay Video #2]
                  [Viva Pinata Gameplay Video #3]
                  [Viva Pinata Gameplay Video #4]

Buy: [Viva Pinata Launch Edition]

Via gamespot

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