Development video of End of the Shadows

End of the Shadows - Image 1 End of the Shadows - Image 2 End of the Shadows - Image 3 

End of the Shadows
is a homebrew RPG project, and those who have been following its creation will recognize many of the people and scenes as familiar bits and pieces of SNES RPGs. For example, way back when, we spotted something that looked a lot like Chrono’s bedroom. That brought on giggle fits and much happiness.

As the project grew and evolved, I’d stop by Octobinz‘s site and see what’s up. Now it seems that the project is moving right along. There’s now a merchant or buy management system, so your character can buy items. The world has also expanded. And it looks like a kind of waypoints system has been introduced.

There’s also a recent development video, Demo 5. Demo 5 shows the merchant system at work and takes you on a tour of beautiful Lirha. According to Octobinz, the in-game footage is always faster on hardware than it is when on Dualis. Dualis tends to slow down emulation, so that’s why the video looks slow.

Download: [End of the Shadows Demo 5]

End of the Shadows - Image 1 End of the Shadows - Image 2 End of the Shadows - Image 3 

End of the Shadows
is a homebrew RPG project, and those who have been following its creation will recognize many of the people and scenes as familiar bits and pieces of SNES RPGs. For example, way back when, we spotted something that looked a lot like Chrono’s bedroom. That brought on giggle fits and much happiness.

As the project grew and evolved, I’d stop by Octobinz‘s site and see what’s up. Now it seems that the project is moving right along. There’s now a merchant or buy management system, so your character can buy items. The world has also expanded. And it looks like a kind of waypoints system has been introduced.

There’s also a recent development video, Demo 5. Demo 5 shows the merchant system at work and takes you on a tour of beautiful Lirha. According to Octobinz, the in-game footage is always faster on hardware than it is when on Dualis. Dualis tends to slow down emulation, so that’s why the video looks slow.

Download: [End of the Shadows Demo 5]

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