Uncharted 2 exceeds expectations, DLC coming within the year

Nathan Drake - Image 1As it is, there were already a lot of expectations for Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Amy Hennig is proud to say that even with all the acclaim and the anticipation for the game, Uncharted 2 still exceeded expectations and Naughty Dog can only be too happy about the outcome. As for those who just can’t get enough of Nathan Drake, good news, there will be DLC to keep the gaming going.

Nathan Drake - Image 1As it is, there were already a lot of expectations for Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Amy Hennig is proud to say that even with all the acclaim and the anticipation for the game, Uncharted 2 still exceeded expectations and Naughty Dog can only be too happy about the outcome. As for those who just can’t get enough of Nathan Drake, good news, there will be DLC to keep the gaming going.

“I would definitely say it’s exceeding expectations,” said Amy Hennig, Naughty Dog creative director. “It’s a tough business, but from the early numbers I’ve seen getting reported back it’s exceeded any estimates we had internally, and it’s certainly outsold the first game by many, many times. That and the critical reception so far has been really gratifying.”

As far as DLC is concerned, Amy Hennig also confirmed that some will be available within 2009. “We’re working on that now, and what we’re prepared to say is that there will be DLC available before the end of the year. Without going into specifics, it’ll involve new maps, new characters, things like that,” she told IndustryGamers, adding that, “Some of it will be free of charge and some of it will be purchasable.”

More Uncharted 2 news:

Via IndustryGamers

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