When did you most like World of Warcraft: before or after Honor system, BG, Arena?

World of Warcraft Forums - covering what's hot and what's not at the WoW community - Image 1Before the whole “separate PvP” drive of Blizzard, the World of Warcraft was the World of WARcraft. With ganks here and there, high-level Horde and Alliance players raided opposing faction towns for the thrill of it. It wasn’t all smiles and cotton candy though, since low level players couldn’t get around without being ambushed in the most conspicuous of places.

And then the Arena and Battle Grounds idea hit Big Blue like an Infernal meteor from above. Soon enough, anything that was PvP and PvE related moved up to a separate zone, where player kills were the object of the game. Hostilities ceased at the fronts, since most regions in the Outland were now contested areas. Only quests allowed one faction to wreak havoc onto the opposing faction, aside from joining the Arena battlegroups.

It’s becoming a slightly hot topic on the WoW community that the days before the PvP and PvE ideas were the best. Of course we could agree at some points, but then we’re not sure about ganking newbies.

Most leisurely PvP players just join PvP realms to follow up on their favorite ganking hobbies, but character transfers can eat up your subscription and game time.

So how about it? Is World of Warcraft good enough for you now or was it good enough a long time ago? If you’re one to agree with Elynsynos’ opinion that “this is world of WARcraft, not world of ‘skirmishcraft’,” then this blogger could probably agree with you, too.

Via WoW Forums

World of Warcraft Forums - covering what's hot and what's not at the WoW community - Image 1Before the whole “separate PvP” drive of Blizzard, the World of Warcraft was the World of WARcraft. With ganks here and there, high-level Horde and Alliance players raided opposing faction towns for the thrill of it. It wasn’t all smiles and cotton candy though, since low level players couldn’t get around without being ambushed in the most conspicuous of places.

And then the Arena and Battle Grounds idea hit Big Blue like an Infernal meteor from above. Soon enough, anything that was PvP and PvE related moved up to a separate zone, where player kills were the object of the game. Hostilities ceased at the fronts, since most regions in the Outland were now contested areas. Only quests allowed one faction to wreak havoc onto the opposing faction, aside from joining the Arena battlegroups.

It’s becoming a slightly hot topic on the WoW community that the days before the PvP and PvE ideas were the best. Of course we could agree at some points, but then we’re not sure about ganking newbies.

Most leisurely PvP players just join PvP realms to follow up on their favorite ganking hobbies, but character transfers can eat up your subscription and game time.

So how about it? Is World of Warcraft good enough for you now or was it good enough a long time ago? If you’re one to agree with Elynsynos’ opinion that “this is world of WARcraft, not world of ‘skirmishcraft’,” then this blogger could probably agree with you, too.

Via WoW Forums

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