WoW video: Something Stupid…like I love you?

Gnome romance in Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft is a part of the game that has not been explored…and with good reason as this video clip has proven. The sight of Gnomes in Speedos may be a little disturbing for those not used to it.

Anyway, the song “Something Stupid” which was used in the video was originally sang by Frank Sinatra and later remade by various artists including Robbie Williams and Nicole Kidman. There were a few parts that could be considered rather sweet if you think about it.

The music and imagery were properly synced together telling a romantic story between two gnomes. Before starting up the video, we’d like to warn you that certain adult themes were handled (albeit tastefully) in this video, so you might not want to watch this with kids around.

That said, enjoy the video Something Stupid by Gnomes Inc.

Via Warcraft Movies

Gnome romance in Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft is a part of the game that has not been explored…and with good reason as this video clip has proven. The sight of Gnomes in Speedos may be a little disturbing for those not used to it.

Anyway, the song “Something Stupid” which was used in the video was originally sang by Frank Sinatra and later remade by various artists including Robbie Williams and Nicole Kidman. There were a few parts that could be considered rather sweet if you think about it.

The music and imagery were properly synced together telling a romantic story between two gnomes. Before starting up the video, we’d like to warn you that certain adult themes were handled (albeit tastefully) in this video, so you might not want to watch this with kids around.

That said, enjoy the video Something Stupid by Gnomes Inc.

Via Warcraft Movies

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