10 Billion hits scored by Halo 3 Campaign kills
The Covenant is hurting bad. 10 billion kills. In 565 days. That’s 17,500,000 Covenant felled daily since Halo 3 launched in September 25th of 2007 (North America). Because of this achievement, Bungie is giving all you Earth soldiers a huge pat on the back for a job very well done. Group hugs all around!
The Covenant is hurting bad. 10 billion kills. In 565 days. That’s 17,500,000 Covenant felled daily since Halo 3 launched in September 25 of 2007 (North America). Because of this achievement, Bungie is giving all you Earth soldiers a huge pat on the back for a job very well done.
And there’s more math to confound yourselfves with. The 10 billion Covenant kills also translate to 730,000 kills per hour, and 12,000 Covenant troops killed per minute. That’s ’round the clock action right there for you.
But may these whopping statistics not lead you to rest on your laurels. The war isn’t over, and Bungie is counting on you to rack ’em up some more in Halo 3. Nonetheless, cheers to the 10 billion kills, and may there be 10 billion more!
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Via Bungie