2.71 Kernel AUTOBOOT Plugin for 2.71 SE-C

There's always been a reason to own one, some people just don't get what we get.The windfall from Dark_Alex‘s 2.71 SE-C continues. Over at our forums, suloku has released his 2.71 Kernel AUTOBOOT Plugin for 2.71 SE-C. Here’s what he has to say about it (which is short and sweet):

Here’s a plugin, made with the fantastic Dark_Alex‘s SDK, that allows us to autoboot into a 271 kernel application, instead of a 1.5 kernel one. Great for IR Shell.

How to use:

-extract to ms0:/seplugins

-add he prx to vhs.txt

-enable the prx from the recovery menu. It will load the eboot at ms0:/seplugins/EBOOT.PBP

note: XMB can be launched from irshell with no problem.

As it says, this allows the PSP to autoboot into a 2.71 kernel application. As suloku clarifies in a later post, “271SE autoboot only allows 1.5 kernel”. An example, also used by suloku: “Irshell 3.0 will be released during this week, so we can now boot into it’s 271 version, with he benefits that are implicit.”

Download: [2.71 Kernel AUTOBOOT Plugin for 2.71 SE-C]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

There's always been a reason to own one, some people just don't get what we get.The windfall from Dark_Alex‘s 2.71 SE-C continues. Over at our forums, suloku has released his 2.71 Kernel AUTOBOOT Plugin for 2.71 SE-C. Here’s what he has to say about it (which is short and sweet):

Here’s a plugin, made with the fantastic Dark_Alex‘s SDK, that allows us to autoboot into a 271 kernel application, instead of a 1.5 kernel one. Great for IR Shell.

How to use:

-extract to ms0:/seplugins

-add he prx to vhs.txt

-enable the prx from the recovery menu. It will load the eboot at ms0:/seplugins/EBOOT.PBP

note: XMB can be launched from irshell with no problem.

As it says, this allows the PSP to autoboot into a 2.71 kernel application. As suloku clarifies in a later post, “271SE autoboot only allows 1.5 kernel”. An example, also used by suloku: “Irshell 3.0 will be released during this week, so we can now boot into it’s 271 version, with he benefits that are implicit.”

Download: [2.71 Kernel AUTOBOOT Plugin for 2.71 SE-C]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

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