Yahtzee v2.0 with Major Updates


And just when we thought Jeremy1026‘s take on the classic dice game Yahtzee couldn’t get any better, he pulls the rug from right underneath us. He made various additions to the game on version two that gave the game his personal touch, making it entirely his own.

Aside from the Normal game mode, two more game modes have been added for our further enjoyment. Enter, Speed Yahtzee and Challenge Yahtzee, which Jeremy explains in detail on his post.

I’ve been working hard with this to add one new game mode, and make it so there isn’t any provisions to playing another game mode that was hidden in v1.51. I added ‘Speed Yahtzee’, where you have 90 seconds to play through the entire game, when the clock hits 0, game over, whether your done or not. And I also added ‘Challenge Yahtzee’ where you are given a specific roll, and you must match or beat it before time runs out. Well, here is it, good luck and as always, read the readme for more instructions and information.

Speed YahtzeeChallenge Yahtzee

I’ve only played with the two new game modes for just a short period of time, but I found both to be more enjoyable than the original game. Maybe it is because of the element of added resistance present in each game modes, the timer for Speed Yahtzee and the condition you need to fulfill for Challenge Yahtzee. Eventhough we have been yanked from the laid back normal gameplay, it is a welcome change.

Download: [Yahtzee v2.0]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]


And just when we thought Jeremy1026‘s take on the classic dice game Yahtzee couldn’t get any better, he pulls the rug from right underneath us. He made various additions to the game on version two that gave the game his personal touch, making it entirely his own.

Aside from the Normal game mode, two more game modes have been added for our further enjoyment. Enter, Speed Yahtzee and Challenge Yahtzee, which Jeremy explains in detail on his post.

I’ve been working hard with this to add one new game mode, and make it so there isn’t any provisions to playing another game mode that was hidden in v1.51. I added ‘Speed Yahtzee’, where you have 90 seconds to play through the entire game, when the clock hits 0, game over, whether your done or not. And I also added ‘Challenge Yahtzee’ where you are given a specific roll, and you must match or beat it before time runs out. Well, here is it, good luck and as always, read the readme for more instructions and information.

Speed YahtzeeChallenge Yahtzee

I’ve only played with the two new game modes for just a short period of time, but I found both to be more enjoyable than the original game. Maybe it is because of the element of added resistance present in each game modes, the timer for Speed Yahtzee and the condition you need to fulfill for Challenge Yahtzee. Eventhough we have been yanked from the laid back normal gameplay, it is a welcome change.

Download: [Yahtzee v2.0]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

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