Pokemon Trading and Battling Details!

Global Trading System

The Yahoo! Kids site has updated with a lot of details that should make those of us who are no longer kids a lot happier! Pokemon Pearl and Pokemon Diamond are looking more and more interesting with each new bit of news. The most intriguing things are about the Battle Tower and Global Trading System!


The Global Trading System will be a regional (sorry, not worldwide) trading system. You can search for the Pokemon you want by typing in its name. A list of Pokemon, belonging to trainers who want to trade it, will come up for you to make an offer. When the trainer comes online again, they can choose to accept or reject your offer. If they accept, the trade will be completed the next time you go online. If they reject, the trade will obviously not go through. It should also obviously work the other way where you put up a Pokemon for trade and others make offers. After your offer goes through, the person is tagged onto a little map which shows which part of the continent they live on.


The Battle Tower is also sounding pretty awesome. When trainers go online, the server uploads their team of Pokemon. When go to the Battle Tower, you can download these teams of Pokemon to fight. A CPU will control the teams and only teams around your skill level will be downloaded.

The above two methods do not require friend codes. You will still be able to do the standard friend code stuff in the basements of the Pokemon Centres. By exchanging friend codes, you can fight and trade your friends live. Also, you will be able to use voice chat to communicate.

Big thank you to Bo130 of NeoGAF for translations.

Global Trading System

The Yahoo! Kids site has updated with a lot of details that should make those of us who are no longer kids a lot happier! Pokemon Pearl and Pokemon Diamond are looking more and more interesting with each new bit of news. The most intriguing things are about the Battle Tower and Global Trading System!


The Global Trading System will be a regional (sorry, not worldwide) trading system. You can search for the Pokemon you want by typing in its name. A list of Pokemon, belonging to trainers who want to trade it, will come up for you to make an offer. When the trainer comes online again, they can choose to accept or reject your offer. If they accept, the trade will be completed the next time you go online. If they reject, the trade will obviously not go through. It should also obviously work the other way where you put up a Pokemon for trade and others make offers. After your offer goes through, the person is tagged onto a little map which shows which part of the continent they live on.


The Battle Tower is also sounding pretty awesome. When trainers go online, the server uploads their team of Pokemon. When go to the Battle Tower, you can download these teams of Pokemon to fight. A CPU will control the teams and only teams around your skill level will be downloaded.

The above two methods do not require friend codes. You will still be able to do the standard friend code stuff in the basements of the Pokemon Centres. By exchanging friend codes, you can fight and trade your friends live. Also, you will be able to use voice chat to communicate.

Big thank you to Bo130 of NeoGAF for translations.

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