Pokemon Creator Ishihara on Diamond, Pearl, and Battle Revolution
To Pokemon lovers everywhere, Tsunekazu Ishihara is one of their heroes. He, along with Satoshi Tajiri, helped create what is now the second-biggest game franchise ever. In this interview with Famitsu, he hints at the upcoming DS titles Pearl and Diamond being being the “ultimate” Pokemons in the handheld series, and brings up a teaser that may ultimately have to do with the Wii’s Battle Revolution.
Part of the reason why Pearl/Diamond will be the “ultimate” Pokemon, Ishihara explains, is that they will link to all their predecessors in the series, and serve as a Pokemon “compilation” of sorts. Every new release of Pokemon always had new Pokemon to collect – “Red and Green had 151 Pokemon while in Gold and Silver 100 more were added and following that, Ruby and Sapphire ended up with more than 380 different Pokemon.” The DS titles will add “even more” species to the list, and will be able to evolve the old Pokemon into something new via the wireless link-up feature.
With the DS reaching out to a wider audience of gamers beyond the hard-core niche, Ishihara foresees that Pokemon Pearl and Diamond will serve as a “gateway RPG” (he says it as “a player’s first RPG”) for first-time handheld gamers everywhere. He says that Brain Age helped break the DS out to that wider market, introducing a new audience to casual gaming, and these new Pokemon games will help break this new audience into RPG gaming.
Finally, he reveals plans to link up the DS and Wii with Pokemon. That’s all he reveals in the interview, but a few days later Nintendo of Japan would demo a DS-Wii linkup in Battle Revolution. Perhaps this is what he was hinting at?
Via Famitsu
To Pokemon lovers everywhere, Tsunekazu Ishihara is one of their heroes. He, along with Satoshi Tajiri, helped create what is now the second-biggest game franchise ever. In this interview with Famitsu, he hints at the upcoming DS titles Pearl and Diamond being being the “ultimate” Pokemons in the handheld series, and brings up a teaser that may ultimately have to do with the Wii’s Battle Revolution.
Part of the reason why Pearl/Diamond will be the “ultimate” Pokemon, Ishihara explains, is that they will link to all their predecessors in the series, and serve as a Pokemon “compilation” of sorts. Every new release of Pokemon always had new Pokemon to collect – “Red and Green had 151 Pokemon while in Gold and Silver 100 more were added and following that, Ruby and Sapphire ended up with more than 380 different Pokemon.” The DS titles will add “even more” species to the list, and will be able to evolve the old Pokemon into something new via the wireless link-up feature.
With the DS reaching out to a wider audience of gamers beyond the hard-core niche, Ishihara foresees that Pokemon Pearl and Diamond will serve as a “gateway RPG” (he says it as “a player’s first RPG”) for first-time handheld gamers everywhere. He says that Brain Age helped break the DS out to that wider market, introducing a new audience to casual gaming, and these new Pokemon games will help break this new audience into RPG gaming.
Finally, he reveals plans to link up the DS and Wii with Pokemon. That’s all he reveals in the interview, but a few days later Nintendo of Japan would demo a DS-Wii linkup in Battle Revolution. Perhaps this is what he was hinting at?
Via Famitsu