New Xtreme OS Video Demonstration
Aphex, the Lead Systems Engineer over at DS-X, has posted a video that shows DragonMinded’s DSOrganize running on the Xtreme OS. In the vid, Aphex downloaded the gray version of DSOrganize, transferred the binary to the DS, booted the Xtreme OS, and just ran DSOrganize. And man, it runs perfectly. No patching, no recompile, no libfat driver. Just popped it in and opened the app.
In the DS-X website, Aphex posted the following along with the video: “No waiting for a new version with driver support. No confusion over multiple downloads and making sure you have the right binary for your hardware.“
And for those interested in developing DS homebrew, he had this to say:
“We will, of course, still be providing libfat driver source once the product is in the hands of end users for developers who do wish to recompile their application for the most seamless interoperability with the DS-Xtreme. Of course we also would like to extend our support and encouragement to anyone working on new homebrew development targeting the DS-Xtreme as well. One of our primary goals in the design of the DS-Xtreme has always been to support the growing development community as much as possible, and we hope to make our product the easiest and most flexible development tool available.“
The Xtreme OS is definitely looking good, and will undoubtedly make homebrew development as well as playing and using homebrew apps and games easier. We’re really getting psyched for this one’s release.
Via DS-X
Aphex, the Lead Systems Engineer over at DS-X, has posted a video that shows DragonMinded’s DSOrganize running on the Xtreme OS. In the vid, Aphex downloaded the gray version of DSOrganize, transferred the binary to the DS, booted the Xtreme OS, and just ran DSOrganize. And man, it runs perfectly. No patching, no recompile, no libfat driver. Just popped it in and opened the app.
In the DS-X website, Aphex posted the following along with the video: “No waiting for a new version with driver support. No confusion over multiple downloads and making sure you have the right binary for your hardware.“
And for those interested in developing DS homebrew, he had this to say:
“We will, of course, still be providing libfat driver source once the product is in the hands of end users for developers who do wish to recompile their application for the most seamless interoperability with the DS-Xtreme. Of course we also would like to extend our support and encouragement to anyone working on new homebrew development targeting the DS-Xtreme as well. One of our primary goals in the design of the DS-Xtreme has always been to support the growing development community as much as possible, and we hope to make our product the easiest and most flexible development tool available.“
The Xtreme OS is definitely looking good, and will undoubtedly make homebrew development as well as playing and using homebrew apps and games easier. We’re really getting psyched for this one’s release.
Via DS-X