Amuro Ray promotes Bandai at TGS 2006
Alright, fine. Amuro Ray isn’t a real human being/newtype/ whatever the heck they call them now. His voice actor is, however, and he was there during TGS 2006 to promote Bandai’s latest Gundam games.
Toru Furuya, the voice actor for protagonist Amuro Ray in the very first “Mobile Suit Gundam” anime, made his way to Bandai’s stage, where he voiced some of his famous lines and added some hype to the Gundam fanboy’s dream game, Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire (or Target in Sight) for the PS3.
During the event, three fans also got to battle Amuro… er, Toru, on their PSPs in Bandai’s upcoming Gundam: Battle Royale. Toru didn’t win, however, ending up second of the four. In a bout of Gundam-obsessed fandom, one of the players decided to tell him, “You must be one of the new types of players.” Well, if you’re going to end up fighting someone you never hoped you’d meet in all your life, that line isn’t half as bad as “Quattro Bajeena, reporting for duty sir!”
Alright, fine. Amuro Ray isn’t a real human being/newtype/ whatever the heck they call them now. His voice actor is, however, and he was there during TGS 2006 to promote Bandai’s latest Gundam games.
Toru Furuya, the voice actor for protagonist Amuro Ray in the very first “Mobile Suit Gundam” anime, made his way to Bandai’s stage, where he voiced some of his famous lines and added some hype to the Gundam fanboy’s dream game, Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire (or Target in Sight) for the PS3.
During the event, three fans also got to battle Amuro… er, Toru, on their PSPs in Bandai’s upcoming Gundam: Battle Royale. Toru didn’t win, however, ending up second of the four. In a bout of Gundam-obsessed fandom, one of the players decided to tell him, “You must be one of the new types of players.” Well, if you’re going to end up fighting someone you never hoped you’d meet in all your life, that line isn’t half as bad as “Quattro Bajeena, reporting for duty sir!”