PSM Video Podcast Episode 6: PS3 total tour and more


Part of the fun of finally getting your hands on a PS3 is exploring its nooks and crannies. And given the PS3’s tech-power, expect a lot of exploring ahead of you. But if you don’t want to waste any time finding you way around your spanking new console, PSM’s Video Podcast Episode 6 will give you a head start.

This episode features a total tour of the PS3’s XMB, the different icons on its desktop and the functions they provide. Serving as the PS3 tour guide is a Sony rep, so he knows what’s he’s talking about. You get to visit some of the PS3 sweet spots, such as bluetooth, photos and images and music features and basically everything else.

One particularly interesting thing he mentioned is that the PS3 reads music in iTunes, mp3 and ATRAC formats, making it a game console and a digital jukebox as well. He also demonstrated how games are booted in the PS3.

And finally the podcast ends with the complete demo of Genshi from TGS ’06. Maybe you’ve seen it before, but it’s such a beautiful game we know you won’t mind watching it again.



Part of the fun of finally getting your hands on a PS3 is exploring its nooks and crannies. And given the PS3’s tech-power, expect a lot of exploring ahead of you. But if you don’t want to waste any time finding you way around your spanking new console, PSM’s Video Podcast Episode 6 will give you a head start.

This episode features a total tour of the PS3’s XMB, the different icons on its desktop and the functions they provide. Serving as the PS3 tour guide is a Sony rep, so he knows what’s he’s talking about. You get to visit some of the PS3 sweet spots, such as bluetooth, photos and images and music features and basically everything else.

One particularly interesting thing he mentioned is that the PS3 reads music in iTunes, mp3 and ATRAC formats, making it a game console and a digital jukebox as well. He also demonstrated how games are booted in the PS3.

And finally the podcast ends with the complete demo of Genshi from TGS ’06. Maybe you’ve seen it before, but it’s such a beautiful game we know you won’t mind watching it again.


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