Burning Crusade’s Caverns of Time: Hillsbrad Foothills preview
Over at the Curse Gaming forums, Vhell has written a very insightful peek into one of the interesting additions for World of Warcraft’s Burning Crusade expansion. The Caverns of Time will allow a player to battle through an important point in history, helping to reshape the tattered frays of Azeroth‘s timeline by fulfilling what has already happened. In this case, it’s one Horde group’s journey to a place many PVPers know and hate: the foothills of Hillsbrad.
Vhell and company took up a quest by entering the Caverns of Time. Their overall mission was to free Thrall, leader of the Orcs, from his imprisonment in Durnholde Keep through a series of quests. Their first surprise upon entering the instanced version of Hillsbrad was a new buff, which altered their features to that of an appropriate race for the mission. Instead of playing as his undead mage, he became a human one, though he wasn’t able to explain if it was only cosmetic or if your racial abilities changed as a result.
After a series of connected quests, which included setting up explosive barrels, defeating a miniboss, and fighting their way into the Keep’s basement, the group finally met up with Thrall. This set up a rather involved escort quest, which Vhell says was made difficult by Thrall’s AI. Nevertheless, the group manages to get out of the keep, only to find out another task awaits them.
The next task was to find Taretha Foxton, Thrall’s friend (and story-wise, indirectly responsible for Thrall’s ability to ally with Jaina Proudmoore). After riding to Tarren Mill and finding Taretha, the final boss arrives: an Epoch Hunter with three dragonkin minions that need a lot of smacking around. Afterwards, you’re able to end the instance and complete the questline.
Some things of note for Vhell’s preview. In addition to a physical race change, which might be standard practice for most of the Caverns questlines, Vhell also mentions that the Meeting Stones get upgraded, allowing parties to summon their comrades rather than having to wait for them to get to the location or find a warlock to summon them. The instance’s enemies and loot work well for a group of level 68s, breathing some new life into an otherwise annoying area in Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft.
For the full story, feel free to click the read link below.
Pre-order: [World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade]
Over at the Curse Gaming forums, Vhell has written a very insightful peek into one of the interesting additions for World of Warcraft’s Burning Crusade expansion. The Caverns of Time will allow a player to battle through an important point in history, helping to reshape the tattered frays of Azeroth‘s timeline by fulfilling what has already happened. In this case, it’s one Horde group’s journey to a place many PVPers know and hate: the foothills of Hillsbrad.
Vhell and company took up a quest by entering the Caverns of Time. Their overall mission was to free Thrall, leader of the Orcs, from his imprisonment in Durnholde Keep through a series of quests. Their first surprise upon entering the instanced version of Hillsbrad was a new buff, which altered their features to that of an appropriate race for the mission. Instead of playing as his undead mage, he became a human one, though he wasn’t able to explain if it was only cosmetic or if your racial abilities changed as a result.
After a series of connected quests, which included setting up explosive barrels, defeating a miniboss, and fighting their way into the Keep’s basement, the group finally met up with Thrall. This set up a rather involved escort quest, which Vhell says was made difficult by Thrall’s AI. Nevertheless, the group manages to get out of the keep, only to find out another task awaits them.
The next task was to find Taretha Foxton, Thrall’s friend (and story-wise, indirectly responsible for Thrall’s ability to ally with Jaina Proudmoore). After riding to Tarren Mill and finding Taretha, the final boss arrives: an Epoch Hunter with three dragonkin minions that need a lot of smacking around. Afterwards, you’re able to end the instance and complete the questline.
Some things of note for Vhell’s preview. In addition to a physical race change, which might be standard practice for most of the Caverns questlines, Vhell also mentions that the Meeting Stones get upgraded, allowing parties to summon their comrades rather than having to wait for them to get to the location or find a warlock to summon them. The instance’s enemies and loot work well for a group of level 68s, breathing some new life into an otherwise annoying area in Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft.
For the full story, feel free to click the read link below.
Pre-order: [World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade]