EverQuest 2 places of worship
Just because you’re a hardcore Everquest 2 gamer doesn’t mean you can’t get all spiritual. What are we talking about exactly? Well, over at the game’s site forums, one of the users decided that she wanted to make room for shrines and chapels and honor the gods of Everquest by making various altar designs.
But more than being spiritual (in the EQ2 sense of course), Seidhkona wanted to make altars also to give life to rooms that are often left unused, as well as to put to good use the items commonly found in the game. Take for example the devotion area in the image above, she filled the vases with Greenwisp flowers from the High Elf Racial Quest, something that most of other EQ2 players would’ve otherwise overlooked and ignored.
And to spruce up the altar even more, Seidhkona also added a pulpit courtesy of the Heretic’s Chanting Podium. Seidhkona often updates her posts on altar designs when she thinks of new ideas. How ’bout you guys? Do you have any ideas for items or statues that would look good when placed in a room of worship? If you can’t think of any right now, here are some more of Seidhkona’s altar pics, perhaps it could spark the creative soul in you.
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Via Station
Just because you’re a hardcore Everquest 2 gamer doesn’t mean you can’t get all spiritual. What are we talking about exactly? Well, over at the game’s site forums, one of the users decided that she wanted to make room for shrines and chapels and honor the gods of Everquest by making various altar designs.
But more than being spiritual (in the EQ2 sense of course), Seidhkona wanted to make altars also to give life to rooms that are often left unused, as well as to put to good use the items commonly found in the game. Take for example the devotion area in the image above, she filled the vases with Greenwisp flowers from the High Elf Racial Quest, something that most of other EQ2 players would’ve otherwise overlooked and ignored.
And to spruce up the altar even more, Seidhkona also added a pulpit courtesy of the Heretic’s Chanting Podium. Seidhkona often updates her posts on altar designs when she thinks of new ideas. How ’bout you guys? Do you have any ideas for items or statues that would look good when placed in a room of worship? If you can’t think of any right now, here are some more of Seidhkona’s altar pics, perhaps it could spark the creative soul in you.
Buy: [EverQuest 2]
Via Station