NesterJ v0.71 for PSP Released
Wow, big homebrew day huh? Ruka has just released a new NES (Famicon in Japan) emulator for PSP. It is based on the Nester/NesterJ code. You run it the same way you run the RIN emulators as it uses the same menu system.
Fixes include:
-Some of the buggy mappers were modified
-The speed bugs that vaired for ROM to ROM were modified
-An external database reference file has been included
You can get it in our PSP download section here.
Big thanks to Evilboy for the translation!
Wow, big homebrew day huh? Ruka has just released a new NES (Famicon in Japan) emulator for PSP. It is based on the Nester/NesterJ code. You run it the same way you run the RIN emulators as it uses the same menu system.
Fixes include:
-Some of the buggy mappers were modified
-The speed bugs that vaired for ROM to ROM were modified
-An external database reference file has been included
You can get it in our PSP download section here.
Big thanks to Evilboy for the translation!