Fresh WoW: Burning Crusade screens

The Exodar. No longer flyable.

We found these six World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade screens posted over at which show off the new, er, “light-sided” Draenei and their crystal-powered spaceship, the Exodar. As we’ve mentioned back when we were introduced to the race by Gamespot, they came to Azeroth fleeing the broken world of Draenor, and since their ship was more or less intact when it made deep impact, the Exodar has become the central city of the Draenei.

Said city which are the subject of these screenies. It’s certainly large enough to hold an inn, if it would have an Innkeeper around.These pictures feature, besides the Exodar Inn, the Vault of Light, the Trade Terrace, the Crystal Hall, and the exterior of the Exodar crash site. Aside from the crash site, we don’t know which is which; GayGamer’s WoW informant wasn’t too specific on which was which.

Anyway, short of a demo video from Blizzard exploring Exodar, here’s your sneak peek into the home of the Alliance Draenei.

Burning Crusade screenshots - Image 1 Burning Crusade screenshots - Image 2 Burning Crusade screenshots - Image 3 
Burning Crusade screenshots - Image 4 Burning Crusade screenshots - Image 5

The Exodar. No longer flyable.

We found these six World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade screens posted over at which show off the new, er, “light-sided” Draenei and their crystal-powered spaceship, the Exodar. As we’ve mentioned back when we were introduced to the race by Gamespot, they came to Azeroth fleeing the broken world of Draenor, and since their ship was more or less intact when it made deep impact, the Exodar has become the central city of the Draenei.

Said city which are the subject of these screenies. It’s certainly large enough to hold an inn, if it would have an Innkeeper around.These pictures feature, besides the Exodar Inn, the Vault of Light, the Trade Terrace, the Crystal Hall, and the exterior of the Exodar crash site. Aside from the crash site, we don’t know which is which; GayGamer’s WoW informant wasn’t too specific on which was which.

Anyway, short of a demo video from Blizzard exploring Exodar, here’s your sneak peek into the home of the Alliance Draenei.

Burning Crusade screenshots - Image 1 Burning Crusade screenshots - Image 2 Burning Crusade screenshots - Image 3 
Burning Crusade screenshots - Image 4 Burning Crusade screenshots - Image 5

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