Call of Duty 3 – On Sale Early in UK!
Gamestation in the UK are apparently selling the Wii version of Call of Duty 3 earlier than the official release date (12/08/06). This is an entire week before the release of the game that this game is being placed upon these retail shelves, and a reader (Lan) from Go Nintendo has provided some “evidence” about this case of an early release. Many stores have done this in the past (mainly Walmart and Target in the US), but looks like some hardcore CoD fans can pick up the Wii version early!
The Wii is the last system to receive this game, but not much later since Gamestation’s early selling of the product. So, if you live in the UK and have a Wii, and want to play this game with the revolutionary controller, then you can purchase this game sooner than any other Wii owner in your area (theoretically).
Via Go Nintendo
Gamestation in the UK are apparently selling the Wii version of Call of Duty 3 earlier than the official release date (12/08/06). This is an entire week before the release of the game that this game is being placed upon these retail shelves, and a reader (Lan) from Go Nintendo has provided some “evidence” about this case of an early release. Many stores have done this in the past (mainly Walmart and Target in the US), but looks like some hardcore CoD fans can pick up the Wii version early!
The Wii is the last system to receive this game, but not much later since Gamestation’s early selling of the product. So, if you live in the UK and have a Wii, and want to play this game with the revolutionary controller, then you can purchase this game sooner than any other Wii owner in your area (theoretically).
Via Go Nintendo