CWCHEAT 0.1.6 REV.D for POPS (PSX EMULATOR) with AR/GS code support
weltall isn’t done with CWCHEAT 0.1.6. Now we’ve got REV.D, which is the previous revision tweaked to include two versions: caetla/AR/GS 2.41+ codes and cwcheat codes. The caetla/AR/GS 2.41+ engine was written from scratch, weltall says, and allows you to use said codes without modifying them. Other than that, a few bug fixes here, and some housekeeping there, and that’s all he wrote for REV.D.
Here’s the changelog:
0.1.6 REV. D for 3.02OE/POPS
- included two versions one with caetla/AR/GS codes 2.41+ (Suggested for users) and one with cwcheat codes
- a new caetla/AR/GS 2.41+ cheat engine was written from scratch. This permits you to use CAETLA/AR/GS codes without modifying them at all
- the db was moved to /seplugins/cwcheat/cwcheatpops.db, the config was moved to /seplugins/cwcheat/cwcheatpops.ini
- now the game is recognised by cwcheat and proper cheats are loaded from it. the id of the game is something like SLES_12345
- the 0x aren’t required to input AR/CAETLA/GS codes so just put the code directly eg: _L 80015648 FFFF
- now the photo folder is created if not present this avoid crashes if it’s missing while doing the screenshots
- fixed a bug with the brightness function
- code types supported 80, 30, 10, 11, 20, 21, 50, D0, D1, D2, D3, E0, E1, E2, E3, C0, C1, C2
- the cheat searcher function search in the psx ram only and outputs psx code types
- the dump function dumps only the psx ram
- reorganised various part of the code
Download: [CWCHEAT 0.1.6 REV.D for POPS w/ AR/GS code support]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]
weltall isn’t done with CWCHEAT 0.1.6. Now we’ve got REV.D, which is the previous revision tweaked to include two versions: caetla/AR/GS 2.41+ codes and cwcheat codes. The caetla/AR/GS 2.41+ engine was written from scratch, weltall says, and allows you to use said codes without modifying them. Other than that, a few bug fixes here, and some housekeeping there, and that’s all he wrote for REV.D.
Here’s the changelog:
0.1.6 REV. D for 3.02OE/POPS
- included two versions one with caetla/AR/GS codes 2.41+ (Suggested for users) and one with cwcheat codes
- a new caetla/AR/GS 2.41+ cheat engine was written from scratch. This permits you to use CAETLA/AR/GS codes without modifying them at all
- the db was moved to /seplugins/cwcheat/cwcheatpops.db, the config was moved to /seplugins/cwcheat/cwcheatpops.ini
- now the game is recognised by cwcheat and proper cheats are loaded from it. the id of the game is something like SLES_12345
- the 0x aren’t required to input AR/CAETLA/GS codes so just put the code directly eg: _L 80015648 FFFF
- now the photo folder is created if not present this avoid crashes if it’s missing while doing the screenshots
- fixed a bug with the brightness function
- code types supported 80, 30, 10, 11, 20, 21, 50, D0, D1, D2, D3, E0, E1, E2, E3, C0, C1, C2
- the cheat searcher function search in the psx ram only and outputs psx code types
- the dump function dumps only the psx ram
- reorganised various part of the code
Download: [CWCHEAT 0.1.6 REV.D for POPS w/ AR/GS code support]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]