Yet Another PSP Toolkit 1.0
Want your PC to have more say in your PSP action? Brew developer WeeJeWel (aka VirusEXE in the QJ boards) has just released Yet Another PSP Toolkit (YAPT) v1.0 for your consumption. This PC-based application features some of the more common tools you guys may have used to customize your PSP, only that they are now available in one package. Here are some of the more important features you may want to take note of:
- ISO compressing
- PSX compressing with full XMB preview
- XMB customization (e.g. custom icons and stuff)
- Custom plugins (PRX) manager
- Some cool windows tweaks (eg right click convert)
- USBhost redirection with keypad
- NEThost redirection with keypad
- Registry backup/restore tool
There are more goodies available in the app – just try it out and see what happens. To get the file running, unload the bundle and double-click the app inside. As the screenshot implies, the Windows Vista GUI works on all Windows versions. Make sure to keep updated in case VirusEXE decides to update this into something even better. We thank the dude for this attempt, and suggest the guys here check out the other PC-based apps that could complement this brew.
Download: [Yet Another PSP Toolkit 1.0]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]
Want your PC to have more say in your PSP action? Brew developer WeeJeWel (aka VirusEXE in the QJ boards) has just released Yet Another PSP Toolkit (YAPT) v1.0 for your consumption. This PC-based application features some of the more common tools you guys may have used to customize your PSP, only that they are now available in one package. Here are some of the more important features you may want to take note of:
- ISO compressing
- PSX compressing with full XMB preview
- XMB customization (e.g. custom icons and stuff)
- Custom plugins (PRX) manager
- Some cool windows tweaks (eg right click convert)
- USBhost redirection with keypad
- NEThost redirection with keypad
- Registry backup/restore tool
There are more goodies available in the app – just try it out and see what happens. To get the file running, unload the bundle and double-click the app inside. As the screenshot implies, the Windows Vista GUI works on all Windows versions. Make sure to keep updated in case VirusEXE decides to update this into something even better. We thank the dude for this attempt, and suggest the guys here check out the other PC-based apps that could complement this brew.
Download: [Yet Another PSP Toolkit 1.0]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]