Bug Alert: seeing dead er, “dummy” people
Yeah, another bug alert today. Well, that’s what our news hamsters are churning up, so we better post about it. Anyhoo, user Grogkar, posts in the WoW Europe Forums that while using Track Humanoids, he was able to see “dummy” entities on the minimap, that is, “stuff that isn’t actually visible in the game.” Now before you folks think, “Ooh, spooky, he can see dead people,” Grogkar actually means that you’re able to see things like spawning points, event triggers, etc. … You know, the technical stuff.
Grogkar notes that the most noticeable example of this bug is the ability to track what he calls “Alliance Guard Alarm Bots” in their settlements. He speculates that these normally invisible “bots” are responsible for summoning guards with a flying mount when getting close to the town.
He also notes that he was able to track Imp spawning portals in the Shadowmoon Valley.
When asked by Shaantie, of Blizzard EU Quality Assurance, where exactly he saw those invisible entities on his minimap, Grokgar replied that he can’t give the exact location on Imp portals, but he does note that one can easily check for the “Alarm Dummies” in Telredor (Zangarmarsh) using Track Humanoids.
No word yet from Blizzard on their course of action regarding this supposed bug.
Yeah, another bug alert today. Well, that’s what our news hamsters are churning up, so we better post about it. Anyhoo, user Grogkar, posts in the WoW Europe Forums that while using Track Humanoids, he was able to see “dummy” entities on the minimap, that is, “stuff that isn’t actually visible in the game.” Now before you folks think, “Ooh, spooky, he can see dead people,” Grogkar actually means that you’re able to see things like spawning points, event triggers, etc. … You know, the technical stuff.
Grogkar notes that the most noticeable example of this bug is the ability to track what he calls “Alliance Guard Alarm Bots” in their settlements. He speculates that these normally invisible “bots” are responsible for summoning guards with a flying mount when getting close to the town.
He also notes that he was able to track Imp spawning portals in the Shadowmoon Valley.
When asked by Shaantie, of Blizzard EU Quality Assurance, where exactly he saw those invisible entities on his minimap, Grokgar replied that he can’t give the exact location on Imp portals, but he does note that one can easily check for the “Alarm Dummies” in Telredor (Zangarmarsh) using Track Humanoids.
No word yet from Blizzard on their course of action regarding this supposed bug.