Pets in WoW: suggestions, suggestions, suggestions…
The thread is only 2 pages long, but Zolberserker’s post on “What needs to be added to Pets” is already getting attention. For one thing, it got picked by Elia Hecht as WoWInsider’s “forum post of the day.” Zolberserker’s post features a long list if things that could be added to a “Pet Patch”, if ever Blizzard decides to make one. So what’s in his list? His suggestions include:
- A call for mechanical pets. Go mecha gorilla!
- Pet armor.
- Saddles to make some pets mountable.
- Pet foods that feed the pet and give bonuses.
- Non normalization of pets. He explains: “it’s ok if pets have similar stats for each family… not if they are exactly the same, especially if thats true of all pets (not just by family). Turtles should not attack, and run, as fast as cats! Or raptors!”
- Allow for the option to have bigger pets.
- Better skills for Pets. More pet family skills, and more wild skills.
- Rare pets
- Change pet damage types.
- All beast and beast like pets should be tamable
There is yet to be a response from a community manager on this thread. However, the responses mostly agree with Zolberserker’s suggestions, albeit with a few arguments here and there over game balance.
Well what about you folks? What’s your take on pet armor and mecha pets? Anyway, the suggestion to change pet damage types makes sense to us. It may sound a bit overpowered at first, but we feel that it could be fixed with ample testing, and for one thing, it adds variety to the game, and gives Hunters reason to go explore the world.
The thread is only 2 pages long, but Zolberserker’s post on “What needs to be added to Pets” is already getting attention. For one thing, it got picked by Elia Hecht as WoWInsider’s “forum post of the day.” Zolberserker’s post features a long list if things that could be added to a “Pet Patch”, if ever Blizzard decides to make one. So what’s in his list? His suggestions include:
- A call for mechanical pets. Go mecha gorilla!
- Pet armor.
- Saddles to make some pets mountable.
- Pet foods that feed the pet and give bonuses.
- Non normalization of pets. He explains: “it’s ok if pets have similar stats for each family… not if they are exactly the same, especially if thats true of all pets (not just by family). Turtles should not attack, and run, as fast as cats! Or raptors!”
- Allow for the option to have bigger pets.
- Better skills for Pets. More pet family skills, and more wild skills.
- Rare pets
- Change pet damage types.
- All beast and beast like pets should be tamable
There is yet to be a response from a community manager on this thread. However, the responses mostly agree with Zolberserker’s suggestions, albeit with a few arguments here and there over game balance.
Well what about you folks? What’s your take on pet armor and mecha pets? Anyway, the suggestion to change pet damage types makes sense to us. It may sound a bit overpowered at first, but we feel that it could be fixed with ample testing, and for one thing, it adds variety to the game, and gives Hunters reason to go explore the world.