Are gold farmers pestering you in World of Warcraft?
Yes, sometimes their constant nagging is bearable, but gold farmers have begun to step up their game by completely annoying you down to your bone..marrow. While Blizzard is constantly at war with gold farmers (or are they?), farmers have found ways to circumvent the measure put in place to assure a nag-free, World of Warcraft gaming experience.
So how exactly do you deal with this issue? While you can spam, flame, ignore and hide under your bed, eternally burning Nethaera presses the age-old report solution as the best course of action. While it isn’t as effective as hunting down the culprit and owning his newly subscribed avatar, it is the more reliable way of removing the pests from your screen.
While add-on options were suggested, they don’t essentially mean the offending player was reported for sure, and all you do get is a temporary moment of silence. Well, that is true until that same farmer comes back in a different account and starts hounding you all over again.
Nethaera does suggest that anyone entertaining a farmer will always bring them back into the game, no matter what measures Blizzard will take aside from the “ban everyone” solution. So eventually, all your urges to reply “O RLY?!??!” spam back at those unsolicited whispers should die once everyone stops being lazy and “goes for gold” (the legal way).
Via WoW Forums
Yes, sometimes their constant nagging is bearable, but gold farmers have begun to step up their game by completely annoying you down to your bone..marrow. While Blizzard is constantly at war with gold farmers (or are they?), farmers have found ways to circumvent the measure put in place to assure a nag-free, World of Warcraft gaming experience.
So how exactly do you deal with this issue? While you can spam, flame, ignore and hide under your bed, eternally burning Nethaera presses the age-old report solution as the best course of action. While it isn’t as effective as hunting down the culprit and owning his newly subscribed avatar, it is the more reliable way of removing the pests from your screen.
While add-on options were suggested, they don’t essentially mean the offending player was reported for sure, and all you do get is a temporary moment of silence. Well, that is true until that same farmer comes back in a different account and starts hounding you all over again.
Nethaera does suggest that anyone entertaining a farmer will always bring them back into the game, no matter what measures Blizzard will take aside from the “ban everyone” solution. So eventually, all your urges to reply “O RLY?!??!” spam back at those unsolicited whispers should die once everyone stops being lazy and “goes for gold” (the legal way).
Via WoW Forums