Another wave of keyloggers invade World of Warcraft
Account hijacking is becoming a whole new way for spreading malicious software to your computer. As reported today from the World of Warcraft forums, there have been several incidents of massive keylogger spam across numerous boards, including Realm-specific ones. While the incident has been mostly taken care of, it wouldn’t hurt to be extra careful about questionable links.
The spammed threads simply contained a three-liner initial post, which, as quoted from community helper Mezil, went something like this (we’ve patched up the semantics):
how [sexy] the woman is
[questionable link goes here]
where does she come from? so [sexy].
Now while we’re not sure if that was a picture link to the lady behind dancing bovine Ommra, we’ll never really know. But she has been busy banning most of the offending accounts from the community forums for an unspecified period of time. What happens to the in-game accounts, that’s up to the Game Masters.
So remember, if you’re a click-happy person who loves opening up each link in a page, you might want to rest that click finger of yours in a less compromising position, like over your space bar. It will save you grief from getting your account jacked by creators of these software and leaving it to the mercy of getting banned.
Via WoW EU Forums
Account hijacking is becoming a whole new way for spreading malicious software to your computer. As reported today from the World of Warcraft forums, there have been several incidents of massive keylogger spam across numerous boards, including Realm-specific ones. While the incident has been mostly taken care of, it wouldn’t hurt to be extra careful about questionable links.
The spammed threads simply contained a three-liner initial post, which, as quoted from community helper Mezil, went something like this (we’ve patched up the semantics):
how [sexy] the woman is
[questionable link goes here]
where does she come from? so [sexy].
Now while we’re not sure if that was a picture link to the lady behind dancing bovine Ommra, we’ll never really know. But she has been busy banning most of the offending accounts from the community forums for an unspecified period of time. What happens to the in-game accounts, that’s up to the Game Masters.
So remember, if you’re a click-happy person who loves opening up each link in a page, you might want to rest that click finger of yours in a less compromising position, like over your space bar. It will save you grief from getting your account jacked by creators of these software and leaving it to the mercy of getting banned.
Via WoW EU Forums