Bozek on SingStar and SingStore: The end is actually the beginning
SingStar – just the sheer mention of it makes your hearts sing with joy. Okay, that’s cheesy and we better end it right now. What we really wanted to tell you about this upcoming Karaoke-themed video game is that game director Paulina Bozek recently blogged about its developments.
Bozek said that SingStar is now in its final stages of development and their team is getting this funny feeling that the end could very well be the start of something new. We know that sounded a bit whacked out but the game director explained with clarity,
Now that we have come to the end of the project, I feel like we’ve got it all figured out and it feels like now we can really start. Like, “Yeah, now we all know what we’re doing, let’s make this game!” Should this worry me, or maybe my team, or even my boss? I hope not…
Furthermore, Bozek’s reflections focused on game development saying that a developer can never really know how things will come together until he/she is finished. And we can’t help but agree. We are in the age of dynamic video games, where they constantly evolve and respond to us gamers.
Enough about musings, Paulina Bozek is happy to announce that SingStore is finally up and running in their studio and there are hundreds of songs ready to be downloaded. Bozek said that it’s all about variety and choice and they are now on the process of adding lesser known songs that they want to be included. She remarked,
We’re also starting to think about all the less known songs that we want to put up there. It’s all digital now, so space is no longer at a premium. We no longer have to agonize over the perfect 30 songs on the disc and we’re looking forward to having some fun with it.
SingStar – just the sheer mention of it makes your hearts sing with joy. Okay, that’s cheesy and we better end it right now. What we really wanted to tell you about this upcoming Karaoke-themed video game is that game director Paulina Bozek recently blogged about its developments.
Bozek said that SingStar is now in its final stages of development and their team is getting this funny feeling that the end could very well be the start of something new. We know that sounded a bit whacked out but the game director explained with clarity,
Now that we have come to the end of the project, I feel like we’ve got it all figured out and it feels like now we can really start. Like, “Yeah, now we all know what we’re doing, let’s make this game!” Should this worry me, or maybe my team, or even my boss? I hope not…
Furthermore, Bozek’s reflections focused on game development saying that a developer can never really know how things will come together until he/she is finished. And we can’t help but agree. We are in the age of dynamic video games, where they constantly evolve and respond to us gamers.
Enough about musings, Paulina Bozek is happy to announce that SingStore is finally up and running in their studio and there are hundreds of songs ready to be downloaded. Bozek said that it’s all about variety and choice and they are now on the process of adding lesser known songs that they want to be included. She remarked,
We’re also starting to think about all the less known songs that we want to put up there. It’s all digital now, so space is no longer at a premium. We no longer have to agonize over the perfect 30 songs on the disc and we’re looking forward to having some fun with it.