More on Guild Banks and VoIP, magazine scans and player reactions
For the World of Warcraft players who read our recent report on the guild banks and VoIP chat to be added after Patch 2.1 goes live, here’s an update. We have some scans of the article in question, reports, and some players’ reactions to the additions.
According to Blizzard‘s Shane Dabiri, the said additions will occur after patch 2.1 goes live. The Guild Bank addition will probably prove to be very useful for players who need the extra space for items and gold. On the other hand, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) chat is getting some attention from the players.
Over at the WoW Forums, Schoolgirl of Blackwing Lair started a thread entitled “VOIP: The End of Girls in WoW”. He/she (you never know) was concerned that the existence of men pretending to be girls would be in trouble.
Speaking as a girl gamer, it’s pretty hard to function properly when you’re being bombarded by questions like “Are you really a girl? Or some bald guy in your mother’s basement?” Trying to convince guys can prove to be something very futile indeed.
So what do you think? Are you concerned about VoIP chat? While you’re turning that over in your mind, check out the scans of Games for Windows Magazine featuring the Guild Banks, VoIP chat, and the new arena called the Ruins of Lordaeron.
For the World of Warcraft players who read our recent report on the guild banks and VoIP chat to be added after Patch 2.1 goes live, here’s an update. We have some scans of the article in question, reports, and some players’ reactions to the additions.
According to Blizzard‘s Shane Dabiri, the said additions will occur after patch 2.1 goes live. The Guild Bank addition will probably prove to be very useful for players who need the extra space for items and gold. On the other hand, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) chat is getting some attention from the players.
Over at the WoW Forums, Schoolgirl of Blackwing Lair started a thread entitled “VOIP: The End of Girls in WoW”. He/she (you never know) was concerned that the existence of men pretending to be girls would be in trouble.
Speaking as a girl gamer, it’s pretty hard to function properly when you’re being bombarded by questions like “Are you really a girl? Or some bald guy in your mother’s basement?” Trying to convince guys can prove to be something very futile indeed.
So what do you think? Are you concerned about VoIP chat? While you’re turning that over in your mind, check out the scans of Games for Windows Magazine featuring the Guild Banks, VoIP chat, and the new arena called the Ruins of Lordaeron.