WoW factions: problems with the Ogri’la reputation

World of Warcraft's Ogri'la faction - Image 1One World of Warcraft Europe player, Skydexter of Ysondre, noticed something in-game regarding the Ogri’la faction in Outland. Skydexter noted that two quests, Banish More Demons and A Crystalforged Darkrune, seem to be linked together (they are and it is intended).

He also mentioned a problem with the said ogre faction as the reputation seems to be locked or capped at “0/999 exalted”. Blizzard poster Tootamia (Localization QA) provided a response – though not as prompt as one would hope. The blue poster indicated that the problem with the Ogri’la reputation being capped is something that’s being looked at and “is a problem that will be taken care of”.

The Ogri’la faction focuses mainly on the use of the Apexis Shards and Crystals for their reputation rewards. Then there’s the Depleted items that can be combined with Apexis Shards to upgrade them. Anyway, more WoW news as they happen, so stay glued.

World of Warcraft's Ogri'la faction - Image 1One World of Warcraft Europe player, Skydexter of Ysondre, noticed something in-game regarding the Ogri’la faction in Outland. Skydexter noted that two quests, Banish More Demons and A Crystalforged Darkrune, seem to be linked together (they are and it is intended).

He also mentioned a problem with the said ogre faction as the reputation seems to be locked or capped at “0/999 exalted”. Blizzard poster Tootamia (Localization QA) provided a response – though not as prompt as one would hope. The blue poster indicated that the problem with the Ogri’la reputation being capped is something that’s being looked at and “is a problem that will be taken care of”.

The Ogri’la faction focuses mainly on the use of the Apexis Shards and Crystals for their reputation rewards. Then there’s the Depleted items that can be combined with Apexis Shards to upgrade them. Anyway, more WoW news as they happen, so stay glued.

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