Final Fantasy XI: Wings of the Goddess updates
For the residents of Square Enix‘s Final Fantasy XI for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 2 and PC, perhaps the most anticipated event for this year is the MMORPG’s latest expansion, dubbed Wings of the Goddess. Not much news has been sent out since its announcement at the Square Enix Party a few months back. For the moment, all we know is that it will have something to do with Vana’diel‘s past.
We’ll be updating today with a little more info concerning FFXI‘s latest expansion, by way of several new location screenshots, character art, and a cryptic verse to clue players in on what awaits them as Wings of the Goddess prepares for its release:
There was once a war that shook the very foundations of Vana’diel.
It was a dark and dreadful age.
The lives of many were lost.
The futures of many were destroyed.
The joys of many were extinguished.
However, there are those from that age who remember…
They remember the hope that burned in the darkness.
The companions that banded together.
The heroes that strove onwards.
The rivals that joined forces.
And now history is reborn, as we return to that age of strife…
Wings of the Goddess’ screenshots and art are available in the Full Article.
For the residents of Square Enix‘s Final Fantasy XI for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 2 and PC, perhaps the most anticipated event for this year is the MMORPG’s latest expansion, dubbed Wings of the Goddess. Not much news has been sent out since its announcement at the Square Enix Party a few months back. For the moment, all we know is that it will have something to do with Vana’diel‘s past.
We’ll be updating today with a little more info concerning FFXI‘s latest expansion, by way of several new location screenshots, character art, and a cryptic verse to clue players in on what awaits them as Wings of the Goddess prepares for its release:
There was once a war that shook the very foundations of Vana’diel.
It was a dark and dreadful age.
The lives of many were lost.
The futures of many were destroyed.
The joys of many were extinguished.
However, there are those from that age who remember…
They remember the hope that burned in the darkness.
The companions that banded together.
The heroes that strove onwards.
The rivals that joined forces.
And now history is reborn, as we return to that age of strife…
The screenshots are available for viewing, along with concept art for new creatures/factions you can expect encounter in this latest expansion. Enjoy the view.