QJ’s Post-E3 roundup of gaming goodness
The E3 Media and Business Summit 2007 may have come and gone, but there’s still a ton of important post-E3 tidbits that deserve every gamer’s attention. Mostly because in addition to new videos and screenshots of the latest upcoming video games, there are things you probably haven’t heard of yet.
For instance, you might have heard about the conflicting reports about the 60 GB PS3 getting phased out, but did you know that the advent of the PSP Slim may also herald the death of the old PSP model?
How about the strongly worded remarks Peter Dille made against the Xbox 360? You probably heard him say that HD-DVD is as good as dead. Did you know, however, that Peter Moore has a rebuttal to that? Even more importantly, it’s a civil one!
You also probably know that the Nintendo Wii is selling oodles of units, but how about the possibility of the Wii outselling the grandmaster of gaming, the PS2? There’s certainly some merit in that assertion, though it’ll probably take the Wii a while to break the 100 million unit barrier.
Our post-E3 roundup of gaming goodness has all that and more. While you’re at it, feel free to check out our E3 roundups for days one, two, and three of the summit. We’re certain you’ll find some talking points there. Enjoy!
Talking Points:
E3 update: Sony phases out old PSP, no price cut for existing PSPs
E3 update: Peter Moore says Dille’s HD-DVD’s death comment greatly exaggerated
E3: Iwata says the Wii could break the PS2 record
QJ’s assorted bits of E3 goodness:
E3 video interview for Dead Head Fred
E3: Nyko’s third-party accessories for Wii, Xbox 360, PS3
E3: Gamecock’s E3 funeral procession
E3: three new Silent Hill: Origins gameplay videos
More tidbits of E3 after the jump!
The E3 Media and Business Summit 2007 may have come and gone, but there’s still a ton of important post-E3 tidbits that deserve every gamer’s attention. Mostly because in addition to new videos and screenshots of the latest upcoming video games, there are things you probably haven’t heard of yet.
For instance, you might have heard about the conflicting reports about the 60 GB PS3 getting phased out, but did you know that the advent of the PSP Slim may also herald the death of the old PSP model?
How about the strongly worded remarks Peter Dille made against the Xbox 360? You probably heard him say that HD-DVD is as good as dead. Did you know, however, that Peter Moore has a rebuttal to that? Even more importantly, it’s a civil one!
You also probably know that the Nintendo Wii is selling oodles of units, but how about the possibility of the Wii outselling the grandmaster of gaming, the PS2? There’s certainly some merit in that assertion, though it’ll probably take the Wii a while to break the 100 million unit barrier.
Our post-E3 roundup of gaming goodness has all that and more. While you’re at it, feel free to check out our E3 roundups for days one, two, and three of the summit. We’re certain you’ll find some talking points there. Enjoy!
Talking Points:
E3 update: Sony phases out old PSP, no price cut for existing PSPs
E3 update: Peter Moore says Dille’s HD-DVD’s death comment greatly exaggerated
E3: Iwata says the Wii could break the PS2 record
QJ’s assorted bits of E3 goodness:
E3 video interview for Dead Head Fred
E3: Nyko’s third-party accessories for Wii, Xbox 360, PS3
E3: Gamecock’s E3 funeral procession
E3: three new Silent Hill: Origins gameplay videos
E3 Update: Dragon Blade Wrath of Fire Stage demo video
E3: ten new screenshots for The Simpsons
E3: Unreal Tournament III in-depth developer interview video
E3 interview: Beautiful Katamari features summarized
E3: two new videos of Godzilla: Unleashed
E3: info, images, and a video of Scene It? Lights, Camera, Action
E3: Killzone 2 demo conclusion video
E3: screenshots, logo, and artwork for Mario Kart Wii
E3 Update: Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games trailer video
E3: Time Crisis 4 Guncon demo and Cave Gunner gameplay videos
E3: Rob Pardo talks Starcraft II
E3: Pirates of the Burning Sea trailer sails in
E3: Portal dev walkthrough (Stephen Hawking FTW)
E3: F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate is pwnage-incarnate
E3: Conan the Barbarian barbaric gameplay trailer
E3: Kane & Lynch: Dead Men new info, screens, and European packshots
E3: Jenga block-stacking gameplay trailer