Mac video recording freezing a problem in 2.2 PTRs
We picked up an interesting bug report over on Blizzard‘s Public Test Realm forums. Youcantseeme of Draenor reports that there’s a bug plaguing the Mac video recording function currently being tested on the PTR.
According to Youcantseeme, the glitch causes the movie to freeze, though the sound will keep on going as if nothing happened. Eventually, the video returns to normal, with the frozen portion of the movie getting skipped.
Blizzard poster Tigerclaw is on the case, however, responding to Youcantseeme’s report. He writes, “there were some bugs with the time stamping of the frames, I’ll check and see if the appropriate fixes made it into the build currently on PTR (7195).”
It’s good to know he’s looking into the matter. Hopefully the issue will be resolved in the next PTR build. In the meantime though, PTR players would best be warned with an actual video of the glitch in action, which you can see below. The freezing actually occurs halfway through the video, though we’re having trouble scrolling to the exact point. Chances are, the glitch affecting the video is also messing with how YouTube reads the vid, so you’ll just have to watch it from start to finish to see the freeze.
We picked up an interesting bug report over on Blizzard‘s Public Test Realm forums. Youcantseeme of Draenor reports that there’s a bug plaguing the Mac video recording function currently being tested on the PTR.
According to Youcantseeme, the glitch causes the movie to freeze, though the sound will keep on going as if nothing happened. Eventually, the video returns to normal, with the frozen portion of the movie getting skipped.
Blizzard poster Tigerclaw is on the case, however, responding to Youcantseeme’s report. He writes, “there were some bugs with the time stamping of the frames, I’ll check and see if the appropriate fixes made it into the build currently on PTR (7195).”
It’s good to know he’s looking into the matter. Hopefully the issue will be resolved in the next PTR build. In the meantime though, PTR players would best be warned with an actual video of the glitch in action, which you can see below. The freezing actually occurs halfway through the video, though we’re having trouble scrolling to the exact point. Chances are, the glitch affecting the video is also messing with how YouTube reads the vid, so you’ll just have to watch it from start to finish to see the freeze.