God of War cameo in Heavenly Sword: Kratos, is that you?
Anyone who’s already beaten the recent hack-and-slash fantasy action game by Ninja Theory, Heavenly Sword, might already have stumbled onto this little Easter egg left by the developers when playing Kai’s mission in the third chapter. It seems as if an infamous God of War has carelessly left his signature weapons and armor hanging in the armory just for the taking. Curiouser and curiouser indeed.
Of course, knowing that both Heavenly Sword and God of War were both published by Sony, it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that little cameos like these can be slipped into the two similarly themed games. Coincidentally, this may be a deliberate move by the developers to give fans a little glimpse of what Kratos (or at least his equipment) might look on the PS3 some time in the near future. Still, it’s nice to know that even the people who put a lot of time giving gamers hours and hours of fun in front of our consoles have a sense of humor.
Another noted insertion into the game was noted by Dubbedinenglish, a poster on the PlayStation forums. He also noted a reference when Kai was getting the password from the commander, saying: “Or shall I hit you in your weak spot for massive damage?” (a reference to the combo notes in God of War) Time will only tell if Sony finally decides to release a next generation version to the fabled God of War series.
It was a big pity though that Kai opted to pick up the Heavenly Sword instead. Who knows how different Nariko (and the game) would have turned out if she started swinging the Blades of Chaos at her opponents.
Anyone who’s already beaten the recent hack-and-slash fantasy action game by Ninja Theory, Heavenly Sword, might already have stumbled onto this little Easter egg left by the developers when playing Kai’s mission in the third chapter. It seems as if an infamous God of War has carelessly left his signature weapons and armor hanging in the armory just for the taking. Curiouser and curiouser indeed.
Of course, knowing that both Heavenly Sword and God of War were both published by Sony, it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that little cameos like these can be slipped into the two similarly themed games. Coincidentally, this may be a deliberate move by the developers to give fans a little glimpse of what Kratos (or at least his equipment) might look on the PS3 some time in the near future. Still, it’s nice to know that even the people who put a lot of time giving gamers hours and hours of fun in front of our consoles have a sense of humor.
Another noted insertion into the game was noted by Dubbedinenglish, a poster on the PlayStation forums. He also noted a reference when Kai was getting the password from the commander, saying: “Or shall I hit you in your weak spot for massive damage?” (a reference to the combo notes in God of War) Time will only tell if Sony finally decides to release a next generation version to the fabled God of War series.
It was a big pity though that Kai opted to pick up the Heavenly Sword instead. Who knows how different Nariko (and the game) would have turned out if she started swinging the Blades of Chaos at her opponents.