QuickJump QuickPeek 17: Of DAX’s new “Hello World” greetings, smash brawling babes, and eight intergalactic PlayStation 3s
(Editor’s Note: QuickPeek is sixteen, going on.. err.. seventeen – baby, it’s time to think… Obscure lyrics to The Sound of Music songs aside, QuickJump QuickPeek’s 17th issue is now out, complete with this week’s top stories in the gaming industry. If you’ve been deprived of updates this week – due to your own viable reasons or whatnot *coughProvingGroundcough* – then we’re reaching out a helping hand to you guys.)
Following last week’s edition of QuickPeek, we’ve got quite a lot of news to catch up on. QuickJump QuickPeek 17 is up and about, touting a hefty dose of your weekly updates. What’s in store for you in this edition? There’s lot of announcements from Capcom – they’ve got their happy party going on in London, a party otherwise known as Capcom Gamers’ Day event.
Other interesting stuff have also washed ashore this week: more confirmation on new SKUs, announcements of game demos to be made available online, and other general tidbits on science and technology that you guys might wanna hear about. It’s another meaty edition for QuickPeek so without further delay… Here we go!
Click the Full Article link below to see the rest of QuickJump QuickPeek 17!
QuickJump QuickPeek 17 originally posted on October 20, 2007 at 01:23 PM.
(Editor’s Note: QuickPeek is sixteen, going on.. err.. seventeen – baby, it’s time to think… Obscure lyrics to The Sound of Music songs aside, QuickJump QuickPeek’s 17th issue is now out, complete with this week’s top stories in the gaming industry. If you’ve been deprived of updates this week – due to your own viable reasons or whatnot *coughProvingGroundcough* – then we’re reaching out a helping hand to you guys.)
Following last week’s edition of QuickPeek, we’ve got quite a lot of news to catch up on. QuickJump QuickPeek 17 is up and about, touting a hefty dose of your weekly updates. What’s in store for you in this edition? There’s lot of announcements from Capcom – they’ve got their happy party going on in London, a party otherwise known as Capcom Gamers’ Day event.
Other interesting stuff have also washed ashore this week: more confirmation on new SKUs, announcements of game demos to be made available online, and other general tidbits on science and technology that you guys might wanna hear about. It’s another meaty edition for QuickPeek so without further delay… Here we go!
On with the updates! Huzzah!
PSP: Hello Worlds, Infinite Wars, and revisiting an emulator for homebrew’s sake
Sony‘s handheld hunk of happiness is not one to sit in a little dusty corner of your bedroom. For some of you, you’re probably waiting for some mod to embed the PSP on your forearm or something (now that’s one sick-ass mod, man – talk about handheld loyalty).
Dark AleX still seems to be well within the PSP homebrew community, despite his announced retirement. Some of you might be thinking that it’s just an extended hiatus, but he still seems to be in some range reachable by the community’s many eyes and ears. Like Art, for example. He dropped by the QJ.NET PSP Development Forum this week, and shared an application created by DAX himself.
Well, it’s not so much a a full blown application than it is a simple exploit. It’s your “Hello World” proof that the hack can be done. So what’s the hack anyway? It allows programmers to access the PSP Slim & Lite’s fullscreen TV out function using component, composite and D-Terminal cables.
Link: DAX’s “Hello World” app: Fullscreen TV out for Homebrew
More good news for the homebrew coding scene comes in the form of a public statement from ZodTTd. He and Anonymous Coder are coming back to the homebrew community in the hopes of releasing an update for their pre-Popstation PSOne emulator for the PSP. Say what? We already have an official “Sony-sanctioned” PSOne emulator. But see, ZodTTd and Anonymous Coder, to be joined by the psx4all coding team, have a pretty strong reason to release an update for PS1P:
Sure we have Popstation, but there comes a time when it’s done for homebrew sake. So I, ZodTTD, will leave it up to you the reader, to decide whether we chalk one up for homebrew, or let an existing commercial emulator lead the way for PSP emulation. Your feedback will be directly related to what we do with this project.
Now how’s that for some uplifting news? These guys are like “Support for PSP Homebrew Scene” incarnate. The point here isn’t whether or not they’re releasing what some of you might call “a redundant emulator,” but actually, that some people out there are still dishing out all their efforts for the community. Which is, of course, very admirable. As for your suggestions to the team, let’s hope they do hear them because some of you have raised some valid points.
Link: PS1P developers to resurrect emulator for PSP
Opening up new worlds of wonder (sort of) is a supposed hack for the 1seg TV Tuner attachment from Japan. Someone had been able to work it on a PSP Phat. This was discovered and made possible by way of a video demonstration and online tutorial.
Unfortunately, the bad part here is the fact that Japan TV signals don’t quite reach as far as… err… Brazil (surprise, surprise!) where the hacker lives. A fellow Brazilian who currently lives in Japan confirms that the hack works though, however, the PSP Phat receives poorer reception than the Slim.
Link: 1seg hack found for the PSP Phat
Konami got a bit shocked to hear some major buzz surrounding their Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops franchise. A seemingly “new title” for the franchise had cropped up in a recent PlayStation Underground e-newsletter. An ad for upcoming games on the PSP had listed a “Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops: Infinite War“.
Say what? Well, we all had our assumptions. It could be just a minor fluke, or maybe some miscommunication down the line. A few days later, we finally got the scoop from Ryan Payton of Kojima Studios. Apparently, “Infinite War” was nothing but a placeholder for Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops +, before the game actually got its official name. Yes, as it turns out, Infinite War was just a working title.
Moving on, MPO+ has already gone gold and is ready to be released in North America on November 13.
Link: Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops: Infinite War “coming soon”
Link: Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops: Infinite War just a codename
Link: Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops Plus goes gold, to be released November 13
And that caps our list of updates for this 17th issue! Keep the ‘brew coming and see you all next week!
– QJ.NET’s PSP Team
PlayStation 3: But wait! There’s MOOOAAAAR!
Remember Chris Croker of YouTube fame (search for his vid at your own leisure if you want)? Well, to quote him – as taken out of context of course – Sony is finally giving you guys “more, moer, moar, MOAR! MOOOOAAAAR!” Sorry for the unabashed outburst, but if Seth Green can pull it off, then… well, at least we can try.
So, was it a matter of time? According to most wishful thinkers: yes, it was. For Michael Pachter: yes, it was. And for Sony: an absolute YES. The 40GB PlayStation 3 SKU has finally be confirmed for North America. On top of that, the new SKU type will begin shipping as early as November 2 – that’s just a few days away! As for specs, the 40GB will be priced for US$ 399.99. And like that of Europe’s, North America’s 40GB SKU sports two USB 2.0 ports, will not offer PS2 backwards compatibility, and no multi memory card ports.
But wait! There’s MOAR!
Michael Pacheter was right on the money too. Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) CEO Jack Tretton finally officially announced the price cut of their PlayStation 3 80GB. Effective immediately, 80GBs’ worth of PS3’s powerhouse is to be sold (correction: already should be sold) for the price of US$ 499.
Link: 40GB PS3s to be released on US this November
Link: It’s official: Sony announces US$ 100 price drop for 80GB PlayStation 3
Over at Capcom Gamers’ Day, the developing studio giant has confirmed that the PlayStation 3 will be getting Lost Planet: Extreme Condition in the future. The best thing about it is that PS3 owners get to enjoy the whooole package. All extra content available on the PC and Xbox 360 versions will be neatly bundled in with the PS3 version of the game. Ah. The joy of Blu-ray…
But wait! There’s MOAR!
In the same breath, Capcom’s also announced the fourth installment of the core Street Fighter franchise. Too bad that they only showed animated concept art for Street Fighter IV without actual gameplay clips, however, it is already in development. Dark Void has also been announced – though this was already somewhat clued in by a recent rumor triggered by a patent that Capcom filed. Both games still don’t have any platform confirmed for them, but we’re sure to hear more as updates roll by.
Link: New games announced in Capcom Gamer’s Day event
Link: Lost Planet on PS3 to get all extra content ever released
Link: Video: teaser trailer for Street Fighter IV
Anyways, Killzone 2 has also found itself once again (unsurprisingly, perhaps) in the spotlight this week. The game’s producer, Steven Ter Heide, talked about how the game need 1) the strength of the PS3 to run it, and 2) the need for Blu-ray. See, the E3 trailer itself was clocked at about 2GB already. What more for the entire game? Naturally, you’d need a buffed up disc to support that. Here’s how Steven Ter Heide puts it:
It is not a luxury to have Blu-ray, but rather a necessity, as compression only gets you so far. […] Also having the CELL and SPUs means we can offload all of our physics processing to an SPU, or process AI using the SPU’s. All this processing power just means we can add more detail and create that Hollywood-type realism we’re after.
But wait! There’s MOA—o snap. That’s about it, actually.
Link: Killzone 2: Blu-ray is necessity, not luxury
You can bet it, we’ve got MOAR lined up for you next week. Aaand, if you scroll down to the Science and Technology section, you might find some interesting news. Your beloved console is now reaching for the stars!
– QJ.NET’s PlayStation 3 Team
Xbox 360: Surprised?
From more sales figures to perfect scores for upcoming FPSes. Some of you might finish reading this section with a “Meh; I’m not surprised” expression plastered on your face.
What’s coming up for Halo 3 gamers? Well, you’ve probably already played the game to the bone – gotten the Hayabusa Armor yet? – but here’s something definitely worth looking forward to. According to the most recent Bungie’s Weekly Update, the developers of Halo 3 are prepping three downloadable maps. They’re currently under development and undergoing testing.
Meanwhile, Halo 3 multiplayer fanatics can gush over the new official thread that Bungie Studios has put up: they have a new section where people can post user-generated game types and maps!
Link: New downloadable maps for Halo 3 coming up, official user-created gametypes and maps now open
And the figures from the NPD sales charts are in. Unsurprisingly, Bungie Studios’ Halo 3 and Microsoft’s Xbox 360 are dominating the whole industry for the month of September. Halo 3‘s total of 3.3 million in sales accounts for all of its versions – Standard Edition, Legendary Edition, and Collector’s Edition. This major success then allowed the Xbox 360 to rake in over 527,000 sales in hardware.
Link: Halo 3, Xbox 360 top US September NPD sales charts
For those who aren’t all that psyched up for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, here’s news that could potentially make the game a definite buy for you. Operative word being “potentially”. Because, as lots of gamers might understand, reviews aren’t really there to dictate the quality of a game. It’s just there to guide you. But regardless of whatever definition of “video game review” there is, the fact of the matter is the Official Xbox Magazine has given Call of Duty 4 a perfect 10/10.
No specifics were given. No details and reasons were outlined as to why they gave the game such a score. But maybe some of you guys aren’t surprised; maybe you agree, especially after going through the open beta. To each their own, yeah?
Link: Official Xbox Magazine gives Call Of Duty 4 10/10
As for those waiting for the fourth installment of Devil May Cry, Capcom’s also finally confirmed its released date! Devil May Cry 4 will be released on January 2. Just so you know, the release date simultaneously finds all versions of the game (360, PS3, PC) on shelves.
Link: Devil May Cry 4 release date confirmed: January 2, 2008
Surprising news? Some of you might say that some of the events that happened this week were bound to happen. Anyone want to take a stab at what’s bound to happen next week?
– QJ.NET’s Xbox 360 Team
Nintendo Wii: Brushing up on Wiimote skills
How’ve you been with your Wii remote acrobatics? Have you had enough practice with Red Steel, Boogie, and Metroid Prime 3? If you have, then you’re definitely going to feel right at home for the coming weeks and months.
Ready for some cosmic paintbrush action with your Wiimote? Finally, Capcom has confirmed the existence of Okami for the Wii. The first few details of the PS2-to-Wii remake have been revealed. Now this may or may not be a good thing for some, but apparently, both versions are going to be the same (to an extent).
The obvious “upgrade” to the game is Wii remote support. Basically, think PS2 Okami, but controlled with the Wiimote (and Nunchuk?). Those looking for new content or graphical enhancements will be disappointed, but purists will surely be delighted to know that the game will be an exact port of the PlayStation 2 title.
Didier Malenfant explains their decision of porting the game and not overhauling it with:
This game has such a huge following throughout the world that people would probably send us death-threats if we messed it up by trying to add things that don’t have their place in the Okami universe.
Link: Okami Wii finally confirmed by Capcom
Link: Wii Okami exact port of PS2 version
Ready for Super Smash Bros. Brawl? If you’re still not sold by the idea that Sonic has finally been included in the Smash arena, then this gameplay demonstration would definitely rock your socks. Nintendo’s representatives show off the many features available in the game.
The three-part video overload gives you the 411 on Super Smash Bros. Brawl. If you’ve been to busy to read up on all of the updates from the DOJO site, consider the demonstration as a crash course (a Smash course, rather).
Link: Video demonstration of Super Smash Bros. Brawl
More on the lighter side of development for a game, local producer Nate Bihldorf recounts their fun moments in working with Super Smash Bros. Brawl. From Japanese to English, you can just imagine how hard translations can get (all your base… all your base). For the Smash team though, it seemed to be more like a fun ride instead od a hard grind at work.
For one, the Metal Gear Solid voice cast was exceptionally fun to work with, as mentioned by Bihldorf. They got to do some banters over codec transmissions.
Link: Nintendo localization producer talks about fun moments in localizing Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Details for the upcoming new Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles title have been revealed by Famitsu. As some might already know, The Young King and the Promised Land will be a downloadable title. What we do have now is the actual price tag: 1,500 Wii Points.
As for the story, the WiiWare game is set after the events of the original FF Crystal Chronicles title on the GameCube. You’ll be assuming the role of Leo, with his Architect powers to build his own country from the ground up. There’ll be a lot of dungeon action to build up the resources you need, as well as a lot of classes of characters to unlock in the game.
Link: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Young King and the Promised Land details
Recent mumbling online has also given LucasArts a bit of the limelight. They’re supposedly going to reveal their upcoming Wii version for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Please please please… Let it be 1:1 Wii remote controls! Just keep it right here! And just in case they do finally show something, we’ll be right on top of it!
– QJ.NET’s Nintendo Wii Team
General Gaming: This is when everyone wins
During the T3 Gadget Awards, all of our beloved console players Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony bagged an award to take home. The PlayStation 3 managed to win the Gadget of the Year 2007 award, and even bagged the runner up for the Best Gaming Gadget Award. Meanwhile, it was the Xbox 360 that ultimately got the actual Best Gaming Gadget title. Nintendo Wii had its own take home: the One For the Ladies award, with praise from T3, hailing the console for its unisex appeal.
Link: T3 Awards: PS3 wins Gadget of the Year, Xbox 360 as Best Gaming Gadget, Wii wins for unisex appeal
Now, speaking to the whole gaming industry in general, Electronic Arts Executive VP Gerhard Florin had a word with BBC, saying that we could see only one platform in the market. This isn’t much of a “one console to rule them all” but more of a “one console to bind them all” – meaning, a single console of convergent technologies that can sustain the demands of the consumer as well as bring the best of all worlds. And coming from a developer’s perspective, it makes coding easier.
It’s an interesting notion indeed, but not exactly an uncommon one. With all consoles striving for technology convergence, it’s not really a strange idea to imagine a standardized console as the next step – the next logical and inevitable step.
Link: Electronic Arts: we want one standard platform
Yes, we know: this actually came in last week, but it was such a last minute job that it didn’t make previous QuickPeek edition’s cut. Hey, we have our deadlines to meet too! Semi-old news notwithstanding, we still believe this is something that you guys might want to check out. Besides, if you have seen it already, maybe you’d wanna see it again? It’s a great way to cap the week anyhow.
If Super Smash Bros. Brawl has something to offer to most Ninty fans, then this fan-made video has something to offer to most any testosterone-oozing member of the male species. Monty Oum of “Haloid” fame brings together the babes of Final Fantasy and Dead or Alive together in a heated battle of wits and just plain old smashing fun. In this video, Yuna and Rikku in their FF X-2 outfits face Kasumi, Ayane, and Hitomi in an action-packed exchange of deadly blows oozing with fanservice.
We’d have to hide the video behind the link below though, so by all means, get clicking!
Link: Final Fantasy, Dead or Alive females collide in fan-made movie
Science and Technology: Eight PlayStation 3s reach for the stars, Sony and Toshiba shake hands
Console wars aside, the PlayStation 3 has indeed been pushing the proverbial envelope of how scientific research is being done today. Given its powerful Cell Processor, the PS3 has already made an astounding mark in researching the folding of molecules and proteins with the help of Folding@Home. Another to project to jot onto the PS3’s resumé is its inclusion in space research.
Eight clustered PS3 units are now being used to investigate the gravity waves that are supposed to emerge every time a star gets swallowed up by a black hole. The head of research, Dr. Guarav Khanna, was supposed to get a supercomputer for the project, but since it cost US$ 5,000, the scientist figured that they can save on expenses by buying eight 60GB PS3 units (worth US$ 3,200) and clustering them together.
Dr. Khanna sent a petition to Sony to grant their team with the required hardware and Sony, god bless their kind souls, donated the PS3s to the team, free of charge.
Link: Eight PlayStation 3 units replace supercomputer for space research
Despite the format wars waging ever so strong nowadays, there seems to be some slight hint of a truce being penned between Sony and Toshiba… Not in the format arena, but more on the manufacturing industry side of things. Sony and Toshiba have now confirmed earlier rumors of a Sony-Toshiba production line deal. They’ve signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding that expresses their intent to establish a new joint venture.
And what joint venture is that, exactly? Well, it wasn’t revealed. However, what’s clear from the memorandum is that they will be producing high-performance semiconductors, with Toshiba acquiring the 300mm wafer line fabrication facilities of Sony. Toshiba will get 60 percent stakes on the new venture, while both Sony and SCEI each have 20 percent ownership.
Link: Sony, Toshiba confirm production line deal
Comment of the Week: It’s like Cortana, only… different
Here’s something different. How about a little some chuckle-inducing Comment of the Week to wind down after all the big updates? This comes from RexNox, as posted on our article about the eight PS3s replacing a supercomputer (scroll up). If you don’t quite get why it’s funny… Maybe you should ask spicyhamster and Mr Toasty.
See ya guys next week!
QuickJump QuickPeek 17 originally posted on October 20, 2007 at 01:23 PM.