Road Dog V1d
PSP Homebrew Developer Art has released a new build for Road Dog, the talking WiFi connection scanner. According to Art, the update “should be a bit smarter.” Road Dog v1d has a few fixes and new features. Check out the changelog and a video of the program in the full article.
Download: Road Dog v1d
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums
Homebrew Developer Art has released a new build for Road Dog, the talking WiFi connection scanner for your Sony PSP. According to Art, the update “should be a bit smarter.” Road Dog v1d has a few fixes and new features.
Here’s the changelog for Road Dog v1d:
V1d (XX/12/07):
- Fixed program exit so the HOME button is responsive. Program now also exits properly within iRshell.
- Signal strength is only spoken when it changes. It won’t keep repeating the same value.
- Added check for WLAN switch. error message is displayed, and program exit if WLAN is off, or fails.
- Auto screen brightness control implementation.
- PSP is clocked at 133/133/1, unless run from iRshell, in which case the clock speed isn’t changed.
Users are encouraged to head over to our forums for discussions and questions on the program. And now here’s a video of Road Dog on the road. It’s the same one posted previously, for those who haven’t seen the ‘brew in action yet:
Download: Road Dog v1d
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums