Details on new Sony mylo now out

Sony mylo 2 - Image 1Previous rumors have reported that the new Sony mylo will have PSP game support, but now that the FCC Exhibits Report is out, the possibility of playing PSP games on the new device may be a bit remote. However, new devices were added on the new mylo to make it more appealing. Find out about them in the full article!

Sony mylo 2 - Image 1The FCC Exhibits Report for the new Sony mylo is now out, but there’s no indication that the device will support PSP games, as claimed by some rumors.

The new model of Sony Mylo is pretty much the same as the old one, with the slide-out QWERTY keyboard. However, new features and functions were added, such as 802.11 WiFi in addition to the existing 802.11b, as well as a camera with a macro mode switch.

The release date for this device is not known as of this writing, but you can count on us to keep you tabbed. For the meantime, check out the FCC Exhibits Report through the Via link. Stay tuned for more updates!


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