PSP Skype launches this month, Nikkei spills details

Skype - Image 1Excited about the word on the Sony PSP’s Skype service when Sony supposedly revealed it? Details have been scarce in the past few days, but now Japan‘s Nikkei News busts out a healthy dose of specifics. Also noted was that the service is to hit this month. Read the full article for more information.

PSP Slim - Image 1

Japan‘s Nikkei Net news service has some good news for everyone excited about the Sony PlayStation Portable’s upcoming Skype capabilities. The source says the service will launch this month and even gave us a head start on the details.

Nikkei Net says that Skype will only be available for PSP Slim & Lite units. Users can download the Skype program and readily load it to their units. A special microphone will then be used to communicate.

It was also reported that PSP to PSP calls will be free of charge. The same goes for PSP to PC calls. If owners want a dedicated phone number for their PSPs, they can have one at the cost of 2,250 yen (US$ 20.70). That’s valid for three full months of use.

This comes after Sony supposedly revealed the new function. There have been doubts along the way, bit it’s mostly looking good for PSP Skype as we head into CES 2008.

Via Nikkei News

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